Let’s talk about astral projection for a few moments. Is it easy… or does it take years of dedication, discipline and daily effort to achieve? Many people try to project for long periods of time without much success, so if this is your concern, you are NOT alone.

Filed Under: The quick and easy way to have projections effortlessly (almost at will)

Here I am going to tell you something super “secret”. (and something most “gurus” won’t share at all) Some people are MUCH more predisposed to having out-of-body experiences than others. For some (like me) it takes work. For others, it may arise spontaneously, without any real effort or knowledge. (sort of like Robert Monroe, the late prolific author and explorer of the astral realms who had ALL of his early experiences by accident)

The BEST way to start having projection experiences is through meditation. And use music or listening programs designed to bring the brain into an altered state of consciousness. This is the best way for average people to have extraordinary experiences in the etheric realms…and without having to spend decades sitting on a cushion with their eyes closed to make it happen.

Remember this…

That study after study has shown that MOST people can (and will) have an OBE or astral projection experience with practice. Binaural beats, for example, have been used successfully in ALL branches of science to facilitate deep, deep brain states, which are a perfect prerequisite for beginning the process of exploring the astral realms…and EXCEPTIONALLY fast! to get started!

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