Tracing Your Family’s Ancestry

FINDING YOUR ANCESTRY – TRICKS OF THE TRADE So much has been written about the best way to trace your family tree that rather than just repeating what every other book or article has suggested, I think it’s better to tell you how I’ve tried to find details about my great-great-great. mother. At least this will give you an idea […]

Internships – Who benefits more, intern or company?

Of all the applications we receive, the only typology that exceeds those seeking employment are those seeking internships. Both types stem from youthful exuberance about the work we showcase on our website and the eagerness to get involved in the career of their dreams. Marketing is probably one of the most popular job options, especially since it can represent so […]

Enlivening Home Cabinets Using Black Cabinet Hardware

Black cabinet hardware placement is considered a simple means of sprucing up cabinets around the house. Among the number of cabinet hardware finishes you can find on the market, the black type has become very popular with many homeowners along with others such as glass, nickel, bronze, and ceramic. The reason behind this level of reputation is the flexibility of […]

Yoda and Japanese word order

One thing I have rarely seen was a simple and direct explanation of Japanese grammar. Call it “zen attitude” if you want, but I like to keep things simple and minimal! Therefore, there are a couple of points that I want to address when discussing the Japanese language. I have found that one of the best ways to explain Japanese […]

How to do video marketing

With the growth of the internet and technology, videos have increasingly become a more powerful tool to get more leads and grow business. The commercialization of video editing tools and the ease of sharing videos through video sharing sites like YouTube has made the growth of the video industry skyrocket. Nowadays, no matter if you are a small-time marketer or […]

French dessert creams: are you confused?

If you are interested in French cuisine or traveling in France, you may be confused by the proliferation of creams in French desserts. You’ll find crème anglaise, crème patissière, crème brulé, crème frangipane, and crème fraiche, to name just a few. Here’s a short list to help you tell those different creams apart so you know what you’re getting when […]

You can not do anything?

For some reason, you can’t work up the courage to do something with enthusiasm. You feel stuck in a rut and you don’t know why. It has happened to me and, frankly, to every adult I know, though many won’t admit it; thinking it is a sign of weakness. It can be a source of strength and new inspiration as […]

Physical custody hours: What are the benefits of a 50/50 or 60/40 plan?

The days when one parent has custody and the other has “visitation” days are disappearing in divorce court. Many parents and judges are finding that children adjust better to divorce when they spend frequent time with both parents. This has brought about 50/50 or 60/40 physical custody. What do these custody schedules mean? Basically, the numbers represent the percentage of […]

The ten commandments from the point of view of dogs

(1) My life is likely to last between 10 and 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy from me. (2) Give me time to understand what you want from me, don’t be impatient, moody or irritable. (3) Put your trust in me and I will always trust you, respect is earned, […]