With more and more women delaying having children until later in life, there are a growing number of couples who are having difficulty conceiving. Starting in their 30s, women’s chances of getting pregnant decrease dramatically and many are turning to medical intervention to help them have a baby.

Trying to conceive can be a very stressful and emotional experience, especially when it involves undergoing IVF or fertility treatment. Many doctors now recommend that women use yoga in conjunction with their medical treatment, both to help them de-stress and to improve their chances of getting pregnant.

A Harvard study found that women who were trying to have a baby were three times more likely to conceive if they took fertility-focused yoga courses than those who did not. But what is it about yoga that prepares the body so well for conception and pregnancy?

As we’ve already mentioned, stress can be a major problem when a couple is having trouble conceiving. Stress can interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle and delay ovulation, in addition to reducing sperm production in men. The emotional release of yoga can relieve stress and anxiety, increasing the chances of conceiving a partner.

This is most effective if both men and women are involved, and a couple might consider partner yoga in this situation. In addition to deepening and strengthening your relationship, yoga as a couple can teach you how to cope with the stress of trying to have a baby.

There are many other ways that a fertility-focused yoga course can help a woman conceive. In yoga, the body is seen as an energy system, with several different areas or chakras. Certain yoga positions focus on increasing the flow of energy in the second chakra, known as the seat of creation, which is where the reproductive organs are located.

There are many yoga positions that increase energy in the second chakra. Some restorative poses are perfect for preparing the body for conception. They can help soften the abdominal region and remove any tension from the area of ​​the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. Reclined postures are used to lengthen the abdominal region, allowing more blood flow to the reproductive organs.

There are also specific yoga positions that a woman can use after sex to increase her chances of conceiving. One of the most popular is the leg-up-the-wall pose, known as the Viprarita Kirani. This ensures that the sperm remain in the optimal position for fertilization for as long as possible.

One last way that yoga can aid conception is by correcting uneven hormone levels that may be limiting fertility. Certain yoga positions can improve glandular function, which helps normalize hormone levels.

Although no one would say that yoga alone can get you pregnant, taking a fertility-focused yoga course can significantly reduce the stress and excitement of trying to conceive. Used in conjunction with medical treatment, it can prepare your body and mind for pregnancy and greatly increase your chances of creating that much-desired baby.

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