What are the Chakras?

The chakras are part of the Kundalini awakening process, which comprises of nadi, chakra, prana, and bindu. The chakras are the energy centers of the human body, where bindu, drops of essence, accumulate as a result of the control of nadi, energy channels, and prana, subtle energy. Once the energy accumulates in the Chakras, the path to spiritual excellence is discovered and the subtle body that remains undiscovered within everyone is awakened.

There are seven chakras in every human body, not physically, but spiritually, placed right in the place of certain glands and organs that control character. The most surprising fact is that these Chakras were studied and found long ago before man invented the words: science, autopsy, and organs. Even today, scientists wonder how ancient people managed to locate the chakras, the psychic centers of the body, and classify them according to their power. These are the glands at or near the position of a particular Chakra because it contributes to the same characteristic of a human being as described in the Vedas and Upanishads, as the act of the chakras.

Ajna Chakra – the last step to arise Kundalini

Ajna Chakra is the chakra located right in the middle of our eyebrows, also called Bruhmadhya. The activation of Ajna Chakra illuminates the eyes of our subtle body, to be precise, the only third eye, and shows the way to the true Moksha. Kundalini, the awakening of the subtle body, is achieved shortly after realizing the difference between the land we live in and the other sacred world. Ajna Chakra takes the subtle body beyond the limits of a physical body and shows the place where Divine exploration reaches its next level, before reaching the final goal, Kundalini.

Ajna Chakra is located in the exact place where a gland called the pineal gland is located, which produces the hormone melatonin. The hormone melatonin is responsible for sleep and awakening, where the Ajna chakra is responsible for the awakening of the spiritual body that travels from one world to another, seeking the truth behind the Divine nature. All six chakras except Saharsara are found within human bodies and Ajna Chakra is the last step in activating Saharsara and reaching Kundalini.

Tilakam – the third eye

An early 19th-century study on an Australian-based animal named Tuatara surprised the scientists involved in the study with the revelation of a non-functional but more similar part of an eye on its forehead. Further studies, with this in mind, revealed a more shocking fact that the pineal glands respond to light, that is, they react according to the intensity of the light and produce hormones accordingly. This fact justifies the more common name of Ajna Chakra; the Third Eye Chakra.

Ajna Chakra is symbolized by two petals and corresponds to the most common colors of the sky: violet, blue and indigo. There is an inverted central triangle and all of these resemble the two worlds that interfere with each other. Also, it is widely believed that pious forces and holy spirits approach or descend to earth on days that are especially full moon days and when the lights are brighter than normal days. This is another example that Ajna Chakra, the third eye can see and feel angels and spirits on special days.

Tilakam, often drawn in stripes of three, both vertically and horizontally, on the forehead is a likeness of the third eye present in all people, but hidden deep within our physical body. That is why people offer Tilakam during long journeys, so that the third eye can take care of them on their journey.

With the proper help of a spiritual guide, who can show you how to activate your third eye, through effective practices like Kriya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga, the third eye within everyone is really possible to explore!

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