Do you understand the true meaning of wealth? The word wealth comes from old English and means Be fine. Our life and its co-creations emanate from this state of being; this BEING what we are: divine children of the universe.

Each and every one of us is a divine child of the universe. and the power that create worlds it flows through each and every one of us, whether we know it or not, whether we believe it or not. Just like the sun that shines in the sky, it doesn’t take your belief to make it real. It is this inner power (flowing through each of us) that activates the law of attraction in our lives for good or bad ends, depending on which end of the stick we are holding. Depending on what we’re focusing on.

Develop the means to see the positive in negative frames. And your life will change drastically. The negative is an empty space, a womb in which positive creation can grow. It is not something to be feared or pushed against. If hugely negative things happen in your life, take it as a sign that the positive is there just as strongly; simply shift your focus from the negative to the positive.

It is like a stick with two ends: what we want and what we don’t want. If we shift our focus to what we want and experience it as if it is already present in our life, then we are more likely to attract it. To help with this, visualize it, dream it, feel it, become it.

develop a ritual put yourself in a state of knowing it every day. It’s your life, find what works for you, there is no magic pill or answer that will make it possible.

Experiment with your options– your life is a personal journey, one that only you define. It’s a matter of choosing what you want to be, and being it, visualizing it, becoming it so thoroughly that it has to manifest itself in your life, it’s law!

And it is a law that is always active. Compare it to gravity if you like, but that may be too ethereal. Think of it like the sun, always on, always emanating.

It can’t be turned off.


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