I fondly remember my grandmother’s old cast iron bathroom faucet. It was pure white with two huge basins. The enamel had started to flake in places, but it looked as if it had been worn around the house.

Today, there are many more styles of sinks to choose from. Sinks are made much more durable and many are made from man-made materials. Older faucets give a traditional feel. Today’s newer styles are more stylish for urban and contemporary shoppers. Vintage faucets still exist, but even they are more elegant than their predecessors.

Summary of styles

Glass: The most elegant aspect is glass. There are custom handcrafted faucets you can buy, with long, elegant spouts, in a variety of colors, to match your sink. Most glass sinks come in clear or black. Consider spending enough money to get a tempered sink because it is much safer. The most sophisticated look is a dark black glass sink with a black oil rubbed faucet. Transparent sinks and faucets are also a good option. Clear glass makes the room feel bright and fun. Glass faucets can cost less than $75.00 and more than $2,000.00.

Copper: Bacteria cannot grow on copper. Since faucet sinks have a lot of bacteria, copper is a sterile option. Also, copper will patinate (most people love this) over time. Copper is a high-end faucet basin.

Stainless steel – the most popular kitchen sink. Simple, light, beautiful and resistant. This sink is the cheapest to own.

Corian: Corian is a sink that is molded directly into the countertop. It is made of a very hard plastic. It resembles natural stone and granite products. The cost is similar. People prefer Corian because the built-in sink is easy to clean.

Vitreous Clay: Vitreous Clay is a ceramic based product. Vitreous clay products come in striking bright colors. Most, however, are white.

Cast Iron: Cast iron sinks are the most durable and heaviest. Today they are enameled with a layer of ceramic epoxy. This coating can be scratched by years of use and abuse. However, the sink will remain intact. Cast iron sinks are primarily preferred for laundry rooms and areas where durability is an issue.

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