This article is a review of an excellent book that deals with the trends of the Cold War era nations and the politics that involve them. The demise of communism was a victory for Western democracy, but it also presented new challenges in the form of religious radicalism and ethnic violence in the post-cold-war world.

1. The book provides an introduction to the major areas of politics within the atmosphere of uncertainty and opportunity created by the end of the cold war written by Martin Slam. The demise of communism was a victory for Western democracy, but it also presented new challenges in the form of religious radicalism and ethnic violence.

2. The book is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the subject of politics as a creative human activity. It includes a review of the characteristics considered ingredients of a political society, as well as the impact of the history and culture of a particular society on the conduct of politics. Some of the important aspects highlighted are the following: –

to. The political system of the Soviet Union is an excellent example of how a government structure can completely fail to meet the needs of its citizens by adhering to an unworkable ideology and institutionalizing corruption and incompetence.

B. A government that actively seeks to ensure the safety and general welfare of its citizens tends both to prosper and to receive the loyalty of those under its jurisdiction.

vs. The post-cold war era is much more complex due to the resurgence of ethnic and religious conflict.

D. The term Nation – State does not accurately describe most of the countries on the map. Many societies are splitting into clan and tribal affiliations and the central government is having difficulty retaining authority in those regions. In many cases, a central government has difficulty even establishing control over the regions and populations for which it is held responsible.

3. Part II deals with the type of political institutions or processes that are common to all political systems, including basic government structures. Below are some of the important points the author deliberates on:

to. Political parties exist in both the democratic and non-democratic political systems. In democracies they seek to win elections, while in undemocratic systems they are more interested in extending the power and control of the party leadership.

B. Extremist parties often do well in free elections. Their electoral prosperity often increases during bad economic times or, in other cases, causes social unrest to arise. Within their own regions, separatist parties can often compete effectively with larger parties.

vs. A referendum allows an electorate to petition the legislature on an issue or, in some cases, invalidate the legislature entirely.

4. Part III explores current issues in politics such as the economy, geography, demography, and violence that we cannot ignore as critical considerations in the political life of almost all countries. Some of the important aspects covered are as follows: –

to. The world is increasingly becoming a global economy. This economy includes both advantages and dislocations. Large regions of the world are extremely poor, while other countries are making unprecedented economic progress.

B. Even a country fortunate to have enough to possess substantial natural resources may not have a developed economy that allows the growth of a strong middle class or provides the majority of members of society with access to economic opportunities and benefits. Even in developing countries, economic developments rarely occur or run smoothly in society.

vs. Colonial empires built on expansionist agendas inevitably seem to collapse. The last to do so was the Russian-dominated Soviet Union.

D. State terrorists often have substantial longevity and lethal capabilities because they enjoy state patronage. If adopted by a state, the terrorist can forcefully and indirectly express the state’s foreign policy agenda.

5. Part IV examines the post-Cold War international constellation, focusing on the characteristics that have drastically changed it over the past decade and that promise continued influence well into the new century. Some deliberate aspects are: –

to. The nation-state system is alive and well. There are more sovereign entities than ever.

B. Collective security is an important and defining characteristic of international stability. When it works well, collective security helps ensure that no group of countries emerge that threatens the peace or threatens the balance of power.

6. It is safe to assume that the international situation will continue to change, substantially and rapidly. The impact of such changes will strongly influence the process of American politics. Very little is static in international relations, and the end of the Cold War is not the end of history, but simply the beginning of a new and quite different era.

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