In my first article on working out without a gym, I explained why working out is important. I’ve also outlined some exercises you can do without weights or equipment. Here is a list of some more exercises that you can do without a gym.

Always remember to warm up before beginning and always consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

1. FRONT SQUAT KICKS. There is a lot of fun to do, because you can also start to gain flexibility. It’s fun to see how high you can go with your kicks. To perform front squat kicks, keep your legs slightly less than shoulder-width apart. You squat down and as you come up you lift your left leg knee first and end by extending that leg into a front kick. Bring your leg back down and, in one motion, return to a squat. This time, lift the knee of your right leg first and extend it into a front kick. You can time yourself and do this for a full minute. A variation on this is that you can do squat kicks kicking with just your left leg for one minute. Then do your right leg for a minute. This is a beautiful exercise. It is a basic workout and incorporates cardio, leg strength, and muscular endurance.

2. JUMPING WITH STRAPS. This is a tried and true exercise! They are also called ‘star jumps’. Most people are familiar with jumping jacks. I will describe them here. In a standing position with your arms at your sides and your feet together, you will jump up and place your feet apart. At the same time, you will raise your arms to a clapping position above your head.

3. TRICEPS DIPS. With this exercise, you may have to find something to use. You can use a bench or a chair. You may even find a table to use. You will use the edge of your chair/bench. With your back to the edge, you will place your hands palms down with your palms facing the back of your body. Sitting on the edge, you will rise from the chair with your arms supporting your body weight. Bending your elbows, allow yourself to support your body weight and lower your hips off the chair. Using your triceps (or the back of your arms), press through your palms and press your body weight up. These are tricep dips.

If you were to do these three exercises, you should get a pretty good total-body workout!

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