Soldier, engineer, and author Henry Martyn Robert wrote his first Rules of Order (RO) for meetings in 1876 and revised it in 1915 (new abbreviation ROR). In 2011, the 11th edition of the book Newly Revised Rules of Order (RONR)) based on Mr. Robert’s rules was released. This book has been the framework guide for small committee meetings and large conventions for more than a century. RONR is a highly formal process with its own language and terms to control meetings. With teams being deployed in many types of organizations, is RONR still relevant?

In 2003, Meeting Wizard copyrighted the RARA process after years of training people in the mechanics of meetings. RARA is an acronym for components of successful meetings that include Roles, Agenda, Records and Actions. This easy-to-remember process was first published as the book RARE: The approach of a meeting attendee in 2007. RARA is a cooperative process to achieve the purpose of every meeting, regardless of who the meeting participants are. The RARA process provides an easy to follow and implement framework for companies and other organizations to have more effective and efficient team meetings at all levels. Should the RARA concept replace RONR in meetings?

Below are some key points in each meeting process to compare RONR and RARA. Each process contains some similarities to the other, as well as some notable distinctions. To answer the two questions above, review each process to decide which is best suited for regular meetings.

snore includes: detailed agenda management, guidelines for meeting minutes, defined lead roles, action/motion tracking, and ability to refer/table actions. RONR provides a strict structure for discussion time and rules for voting on motions/decisions, meetings led by the chair, members can participate, as well as the authority and process for disciplining disruptions and issues during meeting time . RONR defines meeting types as: regular, special (also known as as needed), adjourned/continued, annual, convention, executive, public, or electronic.

STRANGE includes: suggested agenda format, template for meeting minutes/records, multiple possible roles defined, action item assignment, and follow up on future topics. RARA offers flexible ideas for the discussion and decision-making period; leader/facilitator led meetings; members must participate; and a list of typical meeting interruptions plus the best methods for handling them. RARA defines meeting types as: decision making, list building, problem solving, project planning, strategic planning, or briefings. RARA also defines meeting methods as: face-to-face, teleconference, videoconference, and network (also known as virtual).

The answer to both questions is: it depends on the purpose of the meeting, the type of meeting, the meeting participants, and how much structure the organization requires. Whether the organization is a for-profit business, government office, or non-profit organization, the items in Robert’s Rules of Order (RONR) and Meeting Wizard’s RARA approach should be reviewed to determine which one applies. better suited to the type of meetings that will take place. the organization. Once it’s known, communicate the desired process throughout the organization so everyone knows what to do. And then plan to provide reference books or training so everyone knows how to do meetings the preferred way.

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