Weight Loss: It’s a Lifestyle, Not a Diet!

Stand in line at a local store and look at the person in front of you, then at the person directly behind you. Statistically speaking, one of you is obese. A growing epidemic in the US, obesity rates are skyrocketing not just in adults, but in children as well. Miracle pills, hormone therapy, special shakes, and others have helped some […]

Curried Cauliflower Cream Soup

Just like the fashion industry, the food industry has its trends. What is trending now? These vegetables are grabbing the spotlight: Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. Recipes for these vegetables are popping up everywhere, on the Internet, in magazines, newspapers, and even in conversation. If you haven’t tried this trio before, you may be hesitant to do so. But your […]

The Best and Most Popular Celebrity Diets – The Best Diets Celebrities Use to Lose Weight

Every time you look at magazines or watch Hollywood movies, you will be bombarded with pictures of celebrities with their gorgeous bodies. You can even hear how a celebrity who has been branded “fat” would suddenly slim down to become a beloved figure. When asked how they did it, their answers usually turned into another weight loss craze. However, most […]

ProForm 895 ZLE Elliptical Trainer Review

Cross trainers (also known as elliptical trainers) provide a very low-impact workout and are a great way to improve your fitness level and lose weight. I recently tried the ProForm 895 elliptical and would like to share my thoughts on the machine. It is made by Icon, which is the largest manufacturer of fitness equipment in the world. I found […]

How to lower bad cholesterol

Lowering your cholesterol level doesn’t have to be something that only drugs can do. Not all cholesterol is bad. You have two types in your blood; one is considered good and the other is considered bad. The two types are known as low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). It is the LDL levels that you should be most concerned […]

Stretching and Injury Prevention for Cheerleaders

When you’re a cheerleader, like in any other sport, you want to protect yourself from injury. You should do conditioning and strength exercises and do some stretching before, during or after your workout. Stretching is what helps you prevent injury and improve your performance when integrated with your other workouts. For one, stretching will increase your range of motion, which […]

Leg and Thigh Exercises: 2 Exercises for Sexy Legs and Thighs

Here are 2 great exercises for beautiful, sexy legs and thighs. You will get beautiful legs and firm buttocks if you do these exercises constantly. Many gym goers overcomplicate things when it comes to working out their legs. They go from machine to machine and do many different exercises that don’t work. Honestly, that’s a waste of time. 1. Run […]