Jack (Chicken Soup for the Soul) Canfield has a great line. He says, “99% she’s a bitch. 100% she’s a breeze.”

I recently read an article about the quote above. When I read that quote, I have to admit it gave me cause to pause. How obvious! That said, the power of it has eluded me for years.

Case in point, my vitamins. To be honest, I want to take my vitamins. Obviously I think I should take my vitamins. I feel better when I do. That said, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It really doesn’t take much time to do this which I think it should do. However, I am clearly not 100% committed to taking them. Therefore, it is a fight. Every list of personal goals I’ve made for the last five years, I’ve listed, take vitamins every day. That says something about 99% commitment. It doesn’t take you all the way.

Compare that to my current medication and supplement program for my best pug friend Mozart. Four months ago he was diagnosed with cancer. He is currently on an all-day regimen of medications and supplements. A series of homeopathic medicines are ten doses, ten minutes apart, every day. That medicine only takes an hour and a half. This doesn’t even count all the others. My kitchen usually looks like an apothecary, with bottles, mixes, and concoctions everywhere.

Here’s the thing. In four months, I haven’t missed a dose, not one. Time consuming – yes. Difficult – absolutely not. I have almost effortlessly adjusted the schedule of my entire life to accommodate everything. Why was it so easy to adjust to this massive medication schedule when just taking my vitamins hasn’t been? Commitment. I am 100% committed to getting this dog his stuff. Now, I could probably talk to a therapist about why I’m more committed to his health than mine, but that’s really not the point. The point is that 100% commitment is almost effortless.

I transition to other areas of my life that are effortless and when looking at the topic here it is true. This concept applies without exception, especially in relationships. In general, it sounds like a fairy tale when I say that my marriage is carried out effortlessly. However, ask anyone who knows us, it’s true. Why? Because we are both 100% committed, and with that commitment things flow. Sure, from time to time problems arise. However, when they do, overcoming them is easy. Resolution flows. Is it really that simple? I think it is.

However, if you’re reading this and wondering about the legitimacy of this claim, I think it’s at least worth a look. If you’re having relationship problems or anything else that seems like a lot of work, maybe it’s time to take a look at your level of commitment. Being deeply honest about that subject could uncover some interesting revelations.

Now, I have to go take my vitamins….

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