Have you ever seen someone who is sleeping and their legs are moving continuously? Maybe you thought this was something like sleep walking or “sleep swimming”. It may seem funny to us, but what is often mistaken for a joke is a serious condition called Restless Legs Syndrome. If you have seen this same situation before sleeping, do not ignore it. The person suffering from this condition may not be aware of these movements and may urgently need your help with their sleeping behavior. This condition is usually the result of this, (RLS) or what is also known as “Jimmy Leg”, “Jumpy Legs”, “Heebeejeebees” or “Jimmy Jams”. In more scientific terminology, this restless legs syndrome is also known as “Ekbom syndrome”, “Wittmaack-Ekbom syndrome” or “anxietas tibialis”.

The movements associated with restless legs syndrome are sometimes described as orchestra, spare legs, “the kicks” or sewing machine foot and are caused by an uncontrollable urge to move the limbs to stop the feeling of uncomfortable pain or unusual sensations in a person’s body. These occur most of the time in legacy. Moving the affected body part relieves a person suffering from restless leg syndrome, but the sensations only stop temporarily and may return immediately. RLS can start in early childhood and is a progressive disorder, especially if it is not given prompt medical attention. It is still good news for many who suffer from this condition that the treatment provides positive results, as the symptoms have been shown to disappear permanently once treatment begins.

It is important to know the types of restless legs syndrome in order to be able to diagnose it easily. RLS is primary or secondary. Primary RLS is considered idiopathic, meaning its causes are not yet known or scientifically determined by medical researchers. Primary RLS begins before the age of 40 or 45. It can even occur in the first year of life, but progress is usually slow and can be seen to go away for a couple of months or even a few years. It often continues to progress later and worsens as the person reaches the age of 40-45. On the other hand, RLS among children has often been misdiagnosed as growing pains and this has led to more serious complications for the growing adolescent.

The most serious type of restless leg syndrome is secondary RLS. This problem manifests itself on a daily basis and can strike in very sudden situations. Most of the time, it occurs after the age of 40. However, it can occur earlier in life, just like with primary RLS. Research and clinical studies suggest that the symptoms of secondary RLS may be associated with specific medical conditions, such as iron deficiency or the use of certain medications. It was also found that a person with iron deficiency is more likely to acquire secondary RLS. In fact, statistics showed a rate of more than 20% of all RLS cases caused by this deficiency. Other associated conditions include pregnancy, having varicose veins, especially among women, folate deficiency, sleep apnea, diabetes, thyroid problems, uremia, Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, and certain autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. Again, treatment of the underlying condition often eliminates the RLS.

Scientists admit that, at this time, no one knows for sure the exact causes of RLS. Research on the dopaminergic system and iron deficiency in human bodies has already been established, which may eventually be found as an essential cofactor in the development of RLS. Scientists, however, still cannot determine a precise explanation for this problem.

A lifestyle change and other self-discipline approaches can help lessen known symptoms. For example, people should take time to experiment with their lifestyle and try to determine what changes can be made to eliminate RLS symptoms. Sometimes a simple change, like exercise, can make a big difference. Finding the best and most appropriate exercise, as well as cutting out caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, can help eliminate RLS symptom attacks. In any case, it is good to be aware of this problem if it affects you and to learn as much as you can about it so that you can try to alleviate it and return to a more normal lifestyle in the near future.

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