For businesses purchasing used bucket trucks for their aviation needs, it is imperative to keep up with new Department of Transportation (DOT) safety rules.

Fleet owners, as well as individual drivers, need to be well informed about safety rules in order to comply with regulations issued by the government agency charged with enforcing safety, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), under which is the Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) program. A driver’s primary responsibility is to closely monitor the bucket truck and address any vehicle safety issues.


It is important to be aware of the scope of the rules set forth by the FMCSA. One of its most recent standards states that any equipment with noted safety defects must be taken out of service until the necessary repairs have been completed. During the period of time that equipment is marked defective and in the process of being repaired, it is important to ensure that records of required restorations are maintained and retained by both drivers and dispatchers. If the repair of flagged defects is delayed in any way and the company does not meet the standard set forth by the FMCSA, it can result in extended bucket truck downtime. As a result, this can affect the company’s profitability and delay project timelines.

In addition, the new CSA requirements for record keeping of security and repair activities are strictly enforced. If a business does not adhere to such guidelines, it can be overwhelmed by the need to fill out all the necessary paperwork. For this reason, companies must have a system that better assimilates drivers, dispatchers and the repair shop.

Fleet maintenance software

Technological advances have brought a lot of comfort to businesses, especially with today’s maintenance and repair scheduling challenges. There are computerized software systems available on the market that can be installed on existing vehicles. These systems can help keep up with maintenance and repair records to keep the bucket truck current with CSA registration requirements.

Software systems are available that allow companies to easily track problems on the road or on the job site and schedule repairs before the dump truck returns to the company’s home area. These programs allow the driver to fill out an electronic inspection report form regarding the bucket truck. The system also prompts the driver to ensure that the entire checklist has been fully completed as required by the CSA.

This information is then delivered electronically to the central maintenance system which will automatically generate a repair notice for the specific piece of equipment if there are any safety related issues. With this automation, worries can be eliminated and companies can be sure that there will be no communication issues between drivers, dispatchers and technicians. Plus, all paperwork for repair requirements is secure, eliminating the risk of losing it in the process.

It is very helpful to keep up with the new DOT safety rules and use the technological advances designed for bucket trucks. It may be helpful to check with the repair facility used by the company to discuss with them how to work together with the company to comply with FMCSA and DOT guidelines!

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