One way to drastically update the look of your kitchen is to change your countertop. Today, there are many different materials and styles to choose from. From very expensive to expensive, there is sure to be a countertop that meets your needs. Surfaces range from solid, scratch-free, porous and non-porous. Be sure to take into account whether or not the surface needs to be stained, its maintenance cost, and repair costs. There are many different levels of durability. As a general rule, the more expensive the material, the more durable it tends to be.

Granite countertops are one of the most popular countertops to choose from today. Granite is a natural stone that is cut specifically to fit your counter space. It is very important that the gap is accurately measured to ensure a proper fit. Although granite leaves very little room for error and can be expensive, it is a great addition to your home. It increases the value of your home in addition to providing other benefits. Granite is a very durable stone that is sure to last a lifetime. It also tolerates high temperatures and needs very little maintenance.

Another countertop material to consider is ceramic tile. It is durable and affordable; Available in a variety of colors and styles. Ceramic tile laying is a task that any avid homeowner can undertake. Some disadvantages include an uneven surface, grout that can stain, and tile is easier to break than stone. That being the case, ceramic tile is heat resistant and easy to clean. So if you are looking for an affordable and stylish countertop, ceramic tile may be the material of choice.

The most economical, but reliable countertop for kitchens is made of laminate. Laminate comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Popular brands include Formica, Nevamar, and Wilsonart. Most laminates can be easily found on large hardware groats in pre-cut sections. Disadvantages of this material include scratches that are difficult to repair, unsightly seams, and stiff ends. Many startup houses can be found to have this type of counter. Hey, it’s better than nothing.

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