In virtually all tests performed on laboratory rats fed GM foods, infant mortality and reproductive disturbances occurred. This coincides with rising incidences of low birth weight, infertility, and infant mortality in the United States as GE foods become part of the American diet.

Foods are now registered as pesticides

It may surprise you to learn that when insects eat GM Bt (Bacillius thuringiensis) corn or cotton, they also get a built-in toxin, which is actually being produced by every cell of the GM plant.

Engineers have discovered a way to insert genes into the very DNA of the plant so that the plant itself becomes a pesticide that kills insects. When the insect bites into the genetically modified plant, the poison rips open their stomachs and kills them. GM plants themselves are registered as pesticides by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Engineers claim that this Bt toxin has been shown to be safe due to its wide use among farmers for insect control. The difference is, however, that in the case of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), engineers insert genes from bacteria into the very DNA of corn or cotton so that the plants themselves become killing machines.

Please understand that the Bt toxin produced in GM plants is thousands of times more concentrated than what is sprayed on plants to control insect infestation and is designed to be more toxic. Also, the spray can be washed off the plant, unlike GM foods, which cannot be washed off, as they are actually now part of the plant’s cellular structure. But even though GM foods are many times more harmful than spray, keep in mind that even the least concentrated bacterial spray has been shown to be extremely harmful.

GM crops kill animals

Bt corn and cotton plants are responsible for the deaths of thousands of sheep, buffalo, cattle, horses and chickens. Autopsies clearly show irritation and black spots on the intestines and livers of animals that grazed on these plants.

Is it possible that humans can ingest these plants without the same health problems? Do you want to be the next guinea pig in the engineer’s experimental lab taking place in farm fields across America?

If you don’t want to be an experimental rat, stand up and say NO to GMOs on the shelves of your local store. If the engineers are so sure about the safety of these genetically modified plants, then let them come along with their families and become test rats in their own experiments. If they prove these killer plants are indeed safe for human consumption, may they reap the rewards of their engineering, but if not, may their autopsies show us all why scientists shouldn’t genetically alter foods into living insecticides, and why shouldn’t they foist them on society while telling us that eating these plants is pretty safe after all.

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