If you want to be sure, make sure you know the difference between viruses and bacteria. This is important to win the war against many diseases. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has raised awareness among people to do everything possible to eliminate germs. Read on to learn more.

viruses vs bacteria

Often these two terms are used interchangeably. However, there are many main differences between the two. Below is the breakdown of each.

What are bacteria?

First of all, you can find these single-celled microorganisms in different sizes and shapes. Most of them grow in the cold or the heat. Many types also thrive inside your body. They help your body perform several important functions, such as digestion, while some types can cause illness or disease, such as strep throat. Below are some common types of bacterial infections:

  • Lyme’s desease
  • Food poisoning caused by a bacterial infection.
  • gonorrhea
  • strep throat

The good news is that most types of bacteria can be killed with antibiotics. However, some also require serious treatment. Most bacteria are harmless, so you only need treatment for the pathogenic ones.

What are viruses?

Unlike bacteria, viruses have a different story to tell. First, viruses are relatively smaller than most types of bacteria. Another difference is that they cannot survive unless they are inside a living thing. So, viruses are like parasites.

As soon as a virus enters your body, it will start to multiply at a much faster rate. Viruses take over the cells in your body and grow at an accelerated rate. Some types of viruses kill host cells and cause many problems. Below are some of the most common types of viral illnesses.

  • COVID-19
  • Common cold
  • AIDS
  • Chickenpox
  • Tube

To kill viruses, antiviral injections, also known as vaccines, are given. Most scientists know that viruses are not alive, since they depend on a living host to grow.

What is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses?

Today, scientists have discovered many interesting ways to kill viruses and bacteria. You can choose from many options to get rid of viruses. These days, the best way to keep yourself safer from viruses is to use a good air purifier. The good thing about these units is that they can help you eliminate the traces of different types of bacteria and viruses that are in the air.

Other than this, you can follow good hygiene to keep germs away. For example, you should wash your hands regularly and wear a mask, especially when leaving your home or office. In short, if you follow the advice in this article, it will be much easier for you to be safe from the pandemic.

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