Cleansing tablets for dentures

Denture Cleaning Tablets are perfect for cleaning most jewelry. These tablets do not contain harsh chemicals that damage jewelry and are inexpensive to purchase. You need to place the Swarovski beads you want to clean in a bowl, cup, or even a denture bath container. Denture bath containers are available where denture cleaner is sold and are not expensive. Cover the crystals with warm water, and then add one tablet to the water. The tablet will cause bubbles to form in the water. You will need to let the crystals soak for anywhere from thirty minutes to a few hours. Each of the cleaners will tell you on the box if they are supposed to work in a few minutes or if the dentures are supposed to soak overnight in the solution. When you bring the crystals out of solution, rinse them under cold water, let them air dry, and then, using a soft polishing cloth, wipe them to a brilliant shine.

Peroxide and baking soda

Peroxide and baking soda when used together create a powerful cleaning agent. You want to put about 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a small dish. Then add enough peroxide to the dish to make a paste when mixed with the peroxide. Using your fingers, gently rub this paste over the surface of the Swarovski beads you wish to clean. Let the past stay on the beads for about 15 minutes. You may see the paste start to turn slightly brown as you remove the dirt from the crystals. Rinse the crystals well under cold running water and then let them air dry or you can use a polishing cloth to gently dry them. If you allow the crystals to air dry, you will need to use a polishing cloth to restore their shine.


Toothpaste is used to clean many jewelry items. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush and some toothpaste to clean some of the tougher stains on beads, shoes, rings, and even pendants. Never use toothpaste to clean Swarovski beads. These beads are very delicate and easy to scratch. Your toothpaste is actually a bit abrasive and will scratch the surface of the crystals if you use it on them. Never use anything to rub against these crystals except a soft polishing cloth. You don’t even want to use a cotton cloth because cotton can cause scratches on the glass finish.

mild soap and water

The recommended cleaner for Swarovski beads is mild soap and water. The soaps you use to wash dishes will probably be more than adequate for cleaning crystals. You may want to let the crystals soak in the soapy water for a short time before using your fingers or a polishing cloth to remove any dirt on them. Rinse them well after cleaning and let them air dry. Buff them with a soft cloth when dry to make them sparkle and shine.

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