An essential part of car maintenance is keeping your tires in excellent condition. Know that it is dangerous and illegal to drive with damaged tires. When it comes to tire maintenance, there are many things to consider.

Car Tire Maintenance Tips

To turn – Tires are usually moved from one position on the car to another to make sure they all have even wear. Keep in mind that the front tires carry more of the car’s weight. Also, they tend to wear out about twice as fast as the ones on the back. Therefore, rotating tires can help extend their life. Manufacturers will vary in their recommendations; In general, consider rotating it every 8,000 – 10,000 kms. Common types of tire rotation are cross rotation, straight rotation, 4-wheel drive, and 5-wheel rotation.

Pressure – This is very important for 2 basic reasons. First, a properly inflated tire will protect against tire damage. Second, this reduces the chance of the car spinning out of control. It is strongly recommended that you check your tire pressure once a month and always before you hit the road. You should not check the pressure when the tire is hot because 4-5 PSI will be added to the recommended pressure.

thread depth – Thread depth measures the depth on the face of the thread that is in contact with the road. This is very important as it will help eliminate water between the road and the tire, making sure the car stays under control. Over time, tires wear out. In fact, this can be accelerated by uneven road surfaces, tire design, and driving practices such as hard braking and speeding.

wheel alignment – This is the process of aligning the wheels and axles correctly. This will ensure that your car efficiently drives at its optimum level, improving safety, saving fuel and protecting tires from premature wear.

Balancing of wheels – This will balance the wheel and tires. It will protect the bearings and suspension; therefore it stops vibration and prevents premature tire wear. When driving at high speeds, vibration caused by unbalanced wheels is noticeable.

Whenever you are in doubt about the roadworthiness of your tires, you should take them to a reputable tire specialist. These experts can check the internal and external condition of the tire. In addition, they will check if you comply with all the proper repair, disassembly and assembly procedures. More importantly, they will ensure that the tire is optimally repositioned.

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