For Christians, or those who simply wish to study the Christian origins of Easter, the Bible provides the following information:

During the Easter season (especially Good Friday), Christians focus on the passion of Jesus Christ. This is the phrase used to describe his suffering and death on the cross. Here is a breakdown of the significant events recorded in Scripture, including the events just before and immediately after the Crucifixion. It is these events that comprise the Christian view of Easter. It is important to note that many of the actual times of these events are not recorded in Scripture. This timeline represents a rough sequence of events and can be referenced in the referenced scripture passages.

  • The Last Supper: Jesus has a last supper with his disciples. He explains that he is leaving them, but they fail to understand the meaning of his words. (Matthew 26:20-30; Mark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-38; John 13:21-30)
  • Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane: Jesus prays alone, while some of his closest disciples keep watch. It is at this point that Christians believe that he atoned for the sins of the world and bled from every pore. (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-45)
  • Jesus is betrayed and arrested. It was at this time that Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot and arrested. (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-11)
  • Religious Leaders Condemn Jesus – At this point in the timeline, the ruling religious leaders condemn Jesus. He is first sent to stand trial before Pilate, then before Herod, and then back before Pilate, where he is sentenced to death. (Matthew 27:1-2; Mark 15:1; Luke 22:66-71; Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:1-5; John 18:28-37; Luke 23 :6-12; Luke 23:11; Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:23-24; John 19:16)
  • Jesus is taken to Calvary: Jesus is taken to Calvary, to a place known as Golgotha, where he will be crucified. (Matthew 27:32-34; Mark 15:21-24; Luke 23:26-31; John 19:16-17)
  • Jesus is crucified: The scriptures record that he was crucified at the third hour, which in Jewish times would have been around 9 a.m. While on the cross, Jesus is reported to have asked forgiveness for those around him. Also, the soldiers cast lots for his clothes while a crowd jeers and mocks him. (Luke 23:34; Mark 15:24; Matthew 27:39-40; Mark 15:31; Luke 23:36-37; Luke 23:39; Luke 23:40-43)
  • Jesus Talks to Mary and John: A significant event is recorded in the Bible, as Jesus is reported to have spoken to his mother and the disciple he loved, saying that they are now family. After this, Juan takes Maria to her house. (John 19:26-27)
  • Jesus cries out to the Father: At hour six, Jesus is reported to have cried out to the Father. He is given vinegar to drink and then declares, “It is finished.” He commits his spirit into the hands of God. (Matthew 27:46; John 19:28-29; Luke 23:46)
  • Jesus is put in the grave: Jesus is put in the grave of a friend. The Scriptures record that this was done in haste, as the Jewish Sabbath was approaching, and one could not be dealing with these matters on a Sabbath. The rock was rolled over the entrance, to protect the body. (Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42)
  • Jesus rises from the dead: The Scriptures record that Mary Magdalene comes to the tomb to clothe the dead body of Christ. She finds the empty tomb and later converses with the risen Christ, who urges her to tell others what she has seen. This resurrection is the key point of the Easter celebration for Christians who believe that Jesus Christ rose and lives again. (Matthew 28:1-7; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9)

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