Hatha yoga is more commonly known as simply ‘yoga’. It is a system of exercise originating in India. There are many branches of hatha yoga: you may have heard of Iyengar yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kriya yoga, Vini yoga, and Bikram yoga. They all involve postures or ‘asanas’. Some asanas are gentle stretching exercises that can improve flexibility, and others help build and improve strength and balance.

Hatha yoga grew out of traditional Hindu spiritual practice, so it’s not surprising that it also involves meditation and chanting, as well as philosophical and religious considerations. For those who simply want to use it as a form of physical exercise, there are many completely secular versions available!

Why is hatha yoga such a good form of exercise?

The first benefit is that it is an exercise routine that can be used by people of all ages and fitness levels. You can get it in shape and keep it that way with regular use. Yoga differs from other forms of exercise in that it involves movements that do not put stress on the body. When performed correctly, asanas have no negative effects on the body or mind.

It is not an aerobic exercise but it uses almost all the muscles. It can help develop and improve balance, coordination, and a sense of focus. The limbs are used as free weights and the body’s center of gravity is moved to create resistance. Over time, the limbs become stronger and the focus shifts to stamina as the asanas are held for increasing lengths of time.

The goal is the quality of the movement rather than the quantity. The regular practice of hatha yoga can bring peace and happiness to the mind and improve the health and relaxation of the body.

How hatha yoga can help at any age

Yoga is a lot of fun for kids and teenagers and it is easy for them to do as they are flexible. Yoga can help them retain that flexibility. It can also help develop your self-discipline. Practicing asanas is good for developing coordination and can help improve concentration, something that many children and adolescents find difficult.

Yoga is the ideal exercise during pregnancy. Asanas can improve back pain and help alleviate depression. Many women who practice yoga have said that it helped make their labor easier and shorter. Take care to only do asanas that have been approved for pregnant women. The meditation side of yoga is also calming and centering during pregnancy.

Older people use yoga to improve and/or maintain flexibility, correct poor posture, strengthen the spine, and relieve back pain. It can also improve digestion and elimination, ease circulation, improve respiratory disorders, and lift your mood.

Yoga can help you cope

Many of the problems suffered in modern life can be alleviated by following a regular yoga routine.

Asanas can release tight muscles caused by hours of sitting at a desk. Deep breathing can improve vitality by increasing the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. Meditation can improve concentration power and calm the mind. Yoga teaches total relaxation and encourages good sleep. It also aids digestion and improves circulation.

Used regularly, it can improve physical and mental health and is also known to enhance creativity. Give it a try!

Find out what classes are available in your area – a suitably qualified instructor can make sure you are doing the asanas correctly and safely. If you’d rather try it at home, get a DVD (again, with a qualified instructor). There is so much to choose from!

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