No matter how many times these internet marketing gurus try to spin their stuff, it’s almost always the same thing. The basic SEO techniques have been the same for a while and will remain the same for some time. I’m no internet marketing guru… My background is in fitness, but I’ve built myself a web presence with minimal effort and I’ll show you how to do the same. But don’t think for a moment that I never fell for those silly SEO products, because I did. Most have been rubbish and a complete waste of time, and if they weren’t rubbish, they were a total repetition of some other product. I haven’t come across new and relevant information on SEO and traffic generation in quite some time… So why should I continue reading this article?

Because I finally realized that there are some fundamental PRINCIPLES… that, if followed, will result in massive success. In fact, you should call them “laws” because no technical SEO, traffic generation method, or online money making scheme is truly immune to it.

Law #1:

Web traffic cannot be created out of nothing or destroyed… It must be harnessed one way or another. Does this law sound familiar to you? It’s based on the law of conservation of energy, and guess what? Juicy traffic to your website follows the same law. Once you really understand this, the actions you take will change and the results you start to achieve will be more tangible. First, let’s start with understanding traffic. What is it? Traffic is the number of visitors you receive, and each visitor is a REAL PERSON. Five million bots visiting your website each month will only make your Google analytics home page look good, but they won’t drive sales. In short, realize that you can’t CREATE a large number of humans, send them to your website, and have them buy things. This would be creating traffic. What you need to do is GO WHERE THERE IS ALREADY TRAFFIC… Then attract it and take advantage of it. When you pay Google for AdWords and when visitors come to your site, you’re not actually paying for traffic, you’re paying Google to allow you to take advantage of the people who use your service. When a JV partner pitches their offer to 50k subscribers and their website gets a lift of 15k people that month, they didn’t CREATE traffic, they leveraged an email list where traffic already exists. So how can you use this law in practice? Well, from now on, you need to stop wasting time with websites and article directories that have no traffic. You need to go where the demand is… Then use VALUABLE content and SMART copy to attract and leverage traffic to come to your website and buy stuff. Simple. Here is a list of websites that get a lot of traffic, which you can take advantage of. Either for FREE or for a little cash. There’s more, obviously, but these should get you started. Google (AdWords) Usfreeads Twitter (you need followers, so be sure to follow your followers) Facebook (create fan pages!) Social bookmarking and news sites (digg, mixx, technorati… etc.) Directories of articles (EzineArticles, goarticles, articlealley) Page builder sites (hubpages, squidoo, wetpaint, etc.) Commenting on high-traffic blogs Warrior Forum (or other popular forums in your niche) Prweb (press releases are picked up by news sites news like CNN) Read on to learn how you can take advantage of these sites efficiently. Just showing up where there is traffic is just one piece of the puzzle.

Law #2: Traffic = Money This law builds on the understanding of Law #1. Just as traffic can’t be created out of thin air, money can’t be created either (not by you anyway). Money circulates in the economy and is constantly transferred from one place to another. The only way to create money is if you are the government and control the machines that print those bills. Even then, more than 90% of the world’s money is not available in tangible form. It’s all electronic. So once again, you need to go where the money exists and then ATTRACT it using valuable content and smart marketing. Let’s say you have a shoe manufacturing blog… Which company would you contact to promote the banner ad space on it: Nike or the dollar store in your house that sells slippers? extreme example? Yes. Do you get the point? Absolutely. Go where the money is, and you’re more likely to get it. If you have a solid product, reach out to people who want it and have the money to buy it. You can start appealing to a smaller niche later, when you pay your bills, are out of debt, and can afford to gamble. In the end, the only small difference between money and traffic is that money can be destroyed. You can take a dollar bill and burn it. Your call.

Law #3: Traffic is attracted to value, therefore content is king and links are queen. Just being listed somewhere where there is traffic DOES NOT mean you will be able to instantly tap into it or direct it to your site… Which means sales are NOT guaranteed. So how is the sale guaranteed? Simple, you provide a great deal of value through your product or service, then you promote it. Now, I can’t help you make a quality product because I don’t know what your niche is. If you’d like to see an example of a quality product in the fitness niche, I’ve got you covered because I wrote an eBook on this subject and it’s my life’s work. Not only that, I meticulously ensured that it met the highest quality standards and tested the information it contains over and over again. This means my clients see RESULTS… AND FAST! So let’s talk about how I CAN help you… Promotion. After you create your high-quality product and show it where there is traffic, how do you make sure people know about it? It’s called keyword relevance and link juice! You need to make sure you have as many one-way links pointing to your product page with an anchor text containing your chosen keyword. You also need to make sure that your keyword or phrase is something that is being searched for frequently… This means that people are typing it into Google. Which again means… Go where the traffic exists. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to accomplish such a task. In addition to this, you need to make sure that your keyword appears in your title once, in your URL once, and is mentioned once or twice in your web page content. NO MORE! There is a difference between the STUFFING keyword and the RELEVANCE keyword. It should only appear where it is needed. Blank period. If your website has multiple pages, you need to make sure you have anchor links pointing to the relevant page. For example, on your home page you might have a sentence that says, “If you’d like to contact me, be sure to visit my contact page.” The word “contact” will be an anchor text link to: Or something similar. On the other hand, on your contact page, you can have a sentence that says, “after contacting me, be sure to check out my shoemaking blog.” The phrase “shoemaking blog” will be the anchor text for… you guessed it, your blog’s home page! Don’t overdo this. In fact, to prevent yourself from going overboard with SEO techniques, you need to understand the following law.

Law #4: Understand the search engine, but think like a free man

Many marketing gurus say: “you have to think like a search engine”, or “you have to learn how the search engine brain works”… This is ridiculous! The search engine is trying to think like YOU, so why would you be demoted? The search engine’s job is simple. Find what the prospect is looking for as quickly as possible. This means that all those fancy algorithms out there are meant to MIMIC what a HUMAN would find relevant. Think about it. If there were only, say… 20 web pages appearing every day on the web, and Google was still the dominant search engine, it would use a team of 100 employees who would judge the relevance of the sites. This means that quality websites would be handpicked from spam websites. In fact, spammy sites would be slapped by Google (they would drop in ranking). But this is not the case. There are MILLIONS of websites popping up daily, and there is no way any company has the human power to sort through the good from the bad. So, mathematical algorithms were created to SIMULATE how a human being would think, and in THIS day and age, the ability of the major search engine (Google) to find relevant information is pretty good. In fact, fighting with Google and trying to find little holes in its search function is not only difficult, it’s completely idiotic. Why would you risk getting slapped in the face by a search engine that receives 60% of the web’s traffic?

Since you can’t create traffic, this is a gamble not worth taking. In fact, in the time Black Hat marketers spend finding holes and making small amounts of money here and there… YOU could have created SOLID content that Google (or another search engine) likes, and gave you serious preference, resulting in a CONSTANT stream of traffic for LIFE. And we all know that traffic = money. So what will it be? A quick buck… Then spending time trying to find another exploit that will be patched in a few weeks, or creating quality content that will serve you and your wallet forever… Hmm.

Exceptions: Now, while these laws will serve you well in the short AND long term, there are exceptions. You can’t create traffic… This applies to 99.99% of business owners on this earth. But there are websites like,,,, that can practically “create” traffic. What this means is that your brand power is strong enough to drive traffic without leveraging it elsewhere. When someone wants to go to the Apple website, they don’t go to Google and type “Apple home page.” Instead, they go directly to the browser and type “” Or have it marked. There are no middlemen… And truth be told, THIS is what you should be striving for eventually. So I want you to be aware of these small anomalies. They exist, but they are basically irrelevant.

Conclusion: In the end, I am not trying to FORCE YOU with these laws, but I am trying to FREE YOU by making you think correctly and more efficiently. Now, if you’re a beginner, where do you go from here? You’re in the right mindset, but where do you go to find more high-traffic sites? What are the watering holes where the traffic around your niche congregates by the thousands? In what other ways are search engines trying to be more relevant to humans? Which company in your niche has the most money and is willing to pay you for their product or service? All these questions and technicalities will be answered in a future report. If you want to know the exact moment when it is launched, check this SEO GUIDE page. In the meantime, I suggest you take your new knowledge and apply it by doing research on your own, while creating quality content. As Gary Vaynerchuk, host of, once said: “If you’re putting out good stuff, people will follow!” And I couldn’t agree more. Here’s to being successful and acquiring these things we call “money”… Good luck!

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