Tenacity is probably the main ingredient for success. It is nothing more than the ability to move forward, despite obstacles. Tenacity will help you stay ahead of your peers even if they are endowed with better intellectual abilities. Tenacity is the perpetual quality that keeps you moving forward with commitment, determination, and a sharp focus on your goal. Crystal clarity about your goal is an essential precondition for developing tenacity. Having something in mind, the ability to ignore obstacles and maintain tenacity in actions are the essential ingredients of success anywhere.

One’s tenacity will be intense when he nurtures a dream that makes him gradually forget almost everything else and pursue it regardless of the obstacles that stand in his way. If you can ignore everything that disturbs you on your way, you are a sure candidate capable of achieving success. If you want to achieve success, you can meet with failures, but you must not abandon it halfway. When you encounter obstacles and do not resolve them, you may feel like you are even committing suicide or you may experience trauma. If he can continue further despite such crowding, he will surely end up successful. When you don’t give up, you will reach the bottom of your downward slide. In this regard, you only have one option: a reverse trip. You can’t face any more failures when you hit rock bottom on your downward slide. If you do not give up in such a situation, you will be crowned with success.

Let’s look at the thoughts and life experiences of some of our great men. In a brief commencement address when asked to explain the strategy that led to his success, Winston Churchill, one of the tenacious leaders the world has ever seen, advised the audience to “never, never, never, never give up.” In his six-word speech, he referred to the quality of tenacity as a surefire script, based on his lifelong learning and experience. Hitler managed to become a world leader only because of his tireless refusal to give up on his dream projects without even having slept luxuriously. Mao Tse-tung spent twenty-two years bringing communism to power in China without giving up halfway. Thomas Alva Edison achieved success in inventing a light bulb after a series of discouraging failures due to his tenacity. He once said that inventors usually try to experiment with something a few times and give up without trying to succeed. Murdock, the media baron, overthrew the indomitable spirit by refusing to fail even though he was declared insolvent with billions in debt in 1990. They all showed that success would come from persistence and not from luck or chance.

Persistent people never care about failures, not even successive failures, until they reach the brink of success. They only have in mind to win and not lose. They only see the way up, but they don’t see the way down. Confidence and indomitable spirit keep them going even in the face of continual failure. They hope and work tirelessly for success, even if success is out of reach. One needs to remain optimistic in the midst of continual failures which will in turn reverse their life path to success. While working on anything, adversities can happen. Such adversities can stop the progress in the work of the weak, but not that of the tenacious people. When a problem arises, tenacious people see it as an opportunity rather than a threat. It would be ideal to treat every setback as an opportunity. That would help you know the reasons for failure and how to avoid it in the future. If you develop such a habit of looking for opportunities even in failures, you cannot stay away from success. When faced with a setback, look at it critically to learn what went wrong and what else could have prevented it.

To develop tenacity, you must build a deep-seated willpower in your inner mind. It should not be an external mother show, but an intense one that arises from your inner desire. To be successful, keep a positive goal clear in your mind and don’t let anything else disturb your goal. The absence of talents is not even seen as a limitation in your attempt. If you have perseverance, a minimum level of talents would be enough to advance you on your path to success. But an inner will to win is a more essential input than your talents.

You may have to suffer a lot of horrible humiliation when you refuse to give up. Rejection can permeate your life as you continue your persistent pursuit of success. Never let any doubt of failure creep into your mind during the desperate years of persevering work towards your goal. You must remain determined in your quest for success. Develop patience in your behavior by all possible means to remain unflappable even in the midst of adversity. To develop patience, practice doing those things like threading a needle that require a sharp focus of your mind.

Greater determination can be bolstered by honestly reaffirming anything multiple times, and that would be a refreshing addition to tenacity. A firm belief that you can succeed is a prerequisite for continuing with tenacity. When you do something, promise yourself that you must continue until a certain point in time. That’s good for reinforcing tenacity.

Regular exercise will help you develop your inner strength, patience, and tenacity. Proper food, proper breathing, proper rest, proper sleep, and proper thinking are essential ingredients in developing the quality of tenacity. What is appropriate must be determined based on biological principles and accumulated wisdom and not based on the dictates of modern doctors who know nothing but to prescribe chemical medicines for diseases. Exercising longer will help your mind be tenacious and strong. Yoga, pranayama meditation, etc. They will help you increase your tenacity. Laziness, disinterest, lack of confidence, impatience, and insincerity are the enemies of tenacity.

Tenacity demands constant work, attention, vigilance, worries and sacrifices in the realization of your goals. Purposeful persistence is a sure way to expect, win, and achieve success. If you never give up, you cannot stay without success.

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