If you are passionate about skateboarding and want to know how to get a skate park in your city; then listen. First, you need to get past the status quo and all those old people on the city council and convince the city attorney that the proposed new skid portion will not cause excess liability or lawsuits for the city. Easier said than done, I know.

However, it is imperative that you give the city a chance and get public support on your side. For example, you need the support of mall owners and tell them that if there is a skate park, kids won’t skate in front of the malls. Next, you need to collect signatures from at least 1,500 child skateboarders who promise to use the facilities instead of skateboarding illegally.

Ok, now comes the fun part. You should go visit other skate parks with you and your friends to try them out and see what kinds of features you want to see integrated into your design. Then you need to find a designer to help you, an architect. Then you have to make a proposal and a plan and then, once you have it in hand, go into the City Council Agenda and make your case. Make sure the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation gets an advance copy, schedule a meeting there first.

You can do it. I certainly hope this article was of interest and thought provoking. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. Thank you for reading my many articles on various topics that interest you.

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