Within the vast reaches of differences that define the human population, significant dividers exist that are not taught or even consciously selected for. Most people have heard the usual ones: there are people who like dogs or cats, and people who don’t. People who love to travel and those who stay at home. One more notable: “I love riding horses. They are so majestic.” The flip side of that is “I rode a horse once, and it bucked me.”

One of these divisors that we have seen the most are runners and non-runners. They are usually easy to spot, with one often looking like a marathon runner and the other, well, not. However, there is a gray area occupied by those who used to run but don’t run anymore, or wish they had started running when they were young and capable and didn’t, or those who never ran and who, later in life, they would. like to give it a try.

Welcome to the gray zone.

For those with the basic physical ability to accelerate at second rate for more than a mile, running can be a very healthy, fulfilling, life-extending, and enjoyable pastime. You don’t have to be a marathon runner with 1% body fat and six minute miles. If simply running is the goal, then start small. Can a “walk around the block once in a while” become a 10K participant? With the right strategy and planning, it can be done. At forty and not feeling all the possibilities? Keep reading and you will see.

We’ll all admit that the “world of sports” gets narrower as we add the years to it. Apologies for being blunt, but it’s true. As kids, skateboarding and BMX bike tricks and balance beam gymnastics are walks in the park. Get to forty, even thirty, and the urge for such activities will fade somewhat. We can still ride a bike. Even horseback riding. We can play softball. That kind of things. Fortunately, humans only have two gaits: walking, using one foot at a time, and running, with a brief period of suspension between strides. Anyone can run at some level. For racers, there are second-gear speeds, from a shuffle to a sprint, and we can all claim a section of that speedometer for ourselves. Are we winning a 5K race? Maybe. Are others passing us by? Probably. But are we running while others are not? Definitely. It doesn’t matter what your speed will be. Being out there, taking laps around your house or laps around the local school track, you’re running.

So for starters, where are we today? “I’ve never run before.” “I do a little walking here and there.” “I ran when I was young, but it’s been a long time.” Can you put a walker in front of you and step forward to join it? And do that over and over again? That’s a start. We all have physical limitations. Get a medical exam and ask if running is something you can do. Are your joints up to it? Heart and lungs in a condition to improve? If it’s a “no” to questions like this, can some lifestyle improvements make that happen? It’s worth finding out.

We all need a Starting Point; today he is puffing and walking up the stairs. Tomorrow, we’ll probably huff and puff the same way. Next week it will improve. Continue until you stop panting. Work up from there. Once you’re up a moderate flight of stairs with only a slight rise in your breathing and pulse, get out and walk somewhere. Walk on a treadmill. Walk around the block. For God’s sake, walk the dog. If you don’t have a dog, borrow one.

For the determined, the hikes can turn into brisk walks. Brisk walks can turn into jogs here and there. Soon the trots will leave the trots behind. Walk to warm up. Run your course. Walk to cool off. This is vital, because the body needs to adapt.

One big advantage that the young have over the not-so-young is overall strength. Total strength involves arms, legs, core, and range of motion. In later ages, we can’t just break into an activity, we have to have all the systems agree. Even the digestive system plays a much bigger role in our later years. Find some power bands and hand weights. Learn some basic Pilates moves for your core muscles. Joints do their job much more easily if they are supported by surrounding muscles, and we tend to lose muscle as we age. Keep your muscles strong and give your joints a chance. Simple arm curls with light dumbbells are great. Squats and lunges strengthen and warm up the leg muscles for action. Even a three second pushup is better than no pushup.

One cannot stress enough: the need to take care of your knees. Like joints, they are perhaps the support structures that need the longest to adapt to second gear. They will eventually, if you are patient. Increase the distances little by little. If your knees agree with you, add some speed in addition to distance. When you’re done running, stretch each muscle group: calves, quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

For shoes, go for the more expensive ones. Get them fitted at a shoe store so your feet and legs are in the best alignment for your stride. The right shoes can make the difference between knees that last a lifetime and knees that give up early.

Short local runs are wonderful for setting goals. Most allow walking and jogging paces, which is great for the broad spectrum of abilities of the competitors. Keep in mind; there is a need for a 10 or 5K tag. Yes, there is a code of ethics in racing. Sign up early. Show up on time to get your bib number. Heating. Brush your teeth. Don’t wear cologne (please). Start in the group you belong to. Let the rabbits charge unimpeded. Strollers and zip straps can be commonplace at races, as long as the zip straps don’t trip up the crowd. Everyone there pays their race fees, so make each racer’s race as winnable as possible. And thank the officers and sheriffs who set up tables and shade, handed out glasses of water, and sliced ​​bananas to finish off the snacks. Most of the time, they are all volunteers.

So we all have the potential to become a runner. Run the race that your ability allows you. Smile and thank those who, along your way, encourage you (there are always a few). When you’ve finished your run, go for a cool-down walk again to cheer on those who are still aiming for the final banner. We all have our own speeds, our own goals, our own triumphs. If we cross the finish line on foot, that too is a victory. But if you can run, keep going!

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