In the 19th century, PT Barnum earned his fame and fortune promoting “The Great Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan and Racecourse by PT Barnum. The show eventually merged and became Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, billed as “The greatest show on Earth. “

People flocked to their circuses and became a magnet for “Ladies, gentlemen, and children of all ages!” Barnum was an incredible and legendary promoter who made people think that these events were larger than life. Barnum, by dint of his imagination and unflappable ability to exaggerate the mundane, put his stamp on the business promotion that is still used effectively today.

Using events and turning them into circuses is one way to promote your business, but for your events to be successful, you have to think like Barnum. He did not do the same, tired and old. He made his events outstanding … he brought in exotic animals, monsters, acrobats and clowns, even men who were shot with a cannon. Some of these, of course, are frowned upon today, but they were incredibly popular back then.

Well, I know you don’t own a circus (although it may seem like that at times), but think about how you can bring Barnum’s brand of fun to your company events.

It doesn’t matter what type of business you are in, yes “Varnish“Your events will get people to turn to your products and services:

  • Retailers conduct tent sales in the parking lot. Have a fun topic and promote the topic.

  • Home builders have “House Parade” … but this time they hire mimes to perform while living in them … or they even get cardboard cutouts to be placed in rooms and outlining features and benefits.

  • French restaurants celebrate Bastille Day; Chinese restaurants celebrate Chinese New Year, Mexican restaurants celebrate Cinco de Mayo. There must be a holiday where you can post your promotion.

  • Investment advisers organize seminars. Why not create a puppet show that shows a consultant working with clients and the puppet explaining? Okay, it’s a bit silly, but investment advisers can put the audience to sleep fast.

  • Industrial companies have plant visits. Why not have the staff sing a welcome song and then mingle with the guests who act as ambassadors?

Barnum knew we are all drawn to exciting events and great drama, so I challenge you to imitate old PT for a few moments and come up with an event to attract those flocks. The list of possible events is almost endless for any business, OMG it’s Founders Day, Company Birthday, and July 4th if you’re stuck on a topic, but I know you can find topics more related to your market. . I also know that they can be enormously successful for those who strive to invent and promote the use of themed events.

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