How to play the guitar is a dream I had for many, many years. There was something about it that was kind of “cool.” The problem was that he just didn’t know where to start. If you are just starting out, you will no doubt face the same problems as well. There’s the problem with guitar chords (where your fingers seem defiant to do what your mind tells them to do), how to read guitar charts, etc. Back then, you wish you had access to free online guitar lessons, but there was no such thing… we’re talking before the internet here!

Recently, there’s been a huge flurry of stuff showing you how to literally learn to play the guitar “overnight”. Overnight? Now that’s a bold claim, but I can tell you from first hand experience, you can do it. All you need are easy to follow instructions. Hey, even a regular person like me, if I was just starting out, I could do it and I have friends who have recently started learning the guitar and are very, very good in just a few weeks.

When you do a little research, you’ll find millions upon thousands of guitar lessons online and offline. While this is good in one sense, it also takes a lot of time to have to navigate through pages and pages of internet sites, and the other thing is that you need to be on the internet to search. The other option is your local library where I found a lot of very helpful books on teaching yourself to play the guitar.

At the bookstore or your local library today, literature on teaching yourself the guitar is available in many practical formats, but your best bet in your quest to teach yourself the guitar is within yourself and how much you practice. There’s an old saying that “Practice makes perfect”… I’ve found that even when you’re trying to teach yourself to play the guitar, this is also very true.

When I started, all I had was a really old acoustic, and it usually went out of tune anyway. However, that did not discourage me. The truth is that the only way to quickly and easily learn to play the guitar is through regular practice. I don’t care what anyone says about how to learn to play the guitar, electric, bass or whatever, the secret is to practice, practice and practice more.

I play in church, at events and I never started learning tabs and all that. I discovered some shortcuts that worked for me and other friends of mine and literally learned guitar overnight!

You can do it too when you know how to do it, but you still need to practice.

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