In my chiropractic office I get asked a lot of questions. I often get asked how to help with musculoskeletal issues. Personally, I am interested in and have studied quite a bit about nutrition. Many of my patients know this and will ask me questions about it.

A patient recently asked me, “Is it okay if I drink coffee?” Since I drink coffee a couple of times a week, I didn’t see any harm in it, but I wasn’t sure if there was any nutritional benefit, so I did some research. This article will discuss the nutritional benefits of moderate coffee consumption.

Coffee is one of the most popular and consumed beverages on the planet. I found that there is quite a bit of scientific documentation on the benefits of drinking coffee. Most studies indicated that moderate coffee consumption (one to three cups per day) was optimal. However, some showed that drinking more than 3 cups a day was even better.

I was surprised to find a 2015 study showing an association of coffee consumption (caffeinated and decaffeinated) related to increased longevity. The study included tens of thousands of men and women and found that regular coffee drinkers (one to five cups a day) had a lower risk of premature death. I found it interesting that those who consumed more than 5 cups of coffee per day did not necessarily show greater longevity.

Tea Journal of the American Medical Association for Oncology, September 2020 found that caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee appear to benefit colorectal cancer patients. This study of 1,171 patients tracked their coffee consumption for five years. It was observed that those who consumed 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day not only had a higher survival rate, but were also less likely to have their cancer progress.

In 2019, a scientist used MRIs of the brain to look for the buildup of amyloid plaque, which is a feature found in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The study involving 411 older people, without cognitive impairment, found that those who consumed two or more cups of coffee per day had lower levels of amyloid in the brain. This suggests a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

There were also studies showing that moderate coffee consumption may benefit people with type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

I think everyone should take these findings and tailor them to their personal preferences and benefits. I know that if I drink coffee every day it doesn’t do me well. I get nervous and don’t sleep well.

I seem to do well with green tea (which has its own benefits) and I alternate coffee days with tea days. I also periodically like to take a few days without caffeine.

Take this item and use it in the way you think is optimal for you. Don’t be afraid to do your own research on the benefits of coffee and other caffeinated beverages. Plus, if you’re interested in other nutrition topics, there’s a lot of scientific research you can look into. Have fun with it!

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