You have all your ducks in a row:

Business plan? Check.

Contact information? Check.

Clearly defined values ​​and mission? Check.

Yes! Are you ready.

There are many rumors in his mind, wondering what the meeting will be like. They will love you. How many questions will they have? Will they seem skeptical? Will they invest me and my organization?

Even though you are ready and feeling more confident, your nerves continue to have a frustrating dialogue that could destroy your environment.

You will only want to go to the meeting with a clear mind and goal, but how can you turn off your mind, which does not give up?

(That’s where all your brilliant ideas came from after all.)

When preparing for a sponsorship meeting, the best thing you can do for yourself and the potential sponsor is to think like Mulan.

Mulan is the story of a young woman posing as a man to go to war instead of her wounded father … to preserve the honor of the family. While her family disagrees with her and her approach is unconventional, what will we never see of her?

She never gives up. She perseveres.

Your attitude and willingness to keep going, even when things are frustrating or when a potential prospect turns you down, will take you everywhere.

Perseverance is the key to landing a potential sponsor.

In fact, perseverance is key in all of our business dealings.

When you enter with the willingness to do whatever it takes and approach prospects with a kind and humble demeanor, you will be victorious!

You should be very proud of the work your organization does, but keep in mind that the potential sponsor owes you nothing. Don’t come in with the attitude that your prospects have any obligation to you or that if they don’t sponsor this particular event, you should automatically cross them off the list.

The idea is to woo the potential sponsor and get sponsored!

See every meeting, whether you’re leaving with a sponsor or not, as an opportunity to dig deeper into your goal – getting your business, book, nonprofit, or sponsored dream to help you practice and actually to get future sponsors.

Like Mulan did in her training, she never gave up. Even though he fought harder than the others, he got a good night’s rest, got up the next day, and did it all over again.

She doesn’t let the buzz stop her or affect her attitude for too long; remains focused and optimistic; This allows you to see new days and results with your opportunities every day.

And don’t get me wrong – we all have days where we feel like giving up – even the fictional Mulan did! It’s fine.

If you’re having a slightly “down” day, take a break and practice some self-care.

Here are some ways to take a short break:

– Drink one of your favorite drinks.

– Spend time with one of your favorite people to stop thinking about it.

– Write down your frustration.

– Go for a walk

– Watch a Disney movie

– Enjoy one of your favorite hobbies for an hour.

So, do it again tomorrow. Nobody says you have to be perfect, or even that you have to be optimistic all the time.

Perseverance will take you everywhere.

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