Probably the most important cosmetic if you have dry skin is a good moisturizer. The best moisturizer for dry skin is one that is easy to apply, leaves skin feeling dewy, and doesn’t feel sticky or oily.

When your skin is dry you need to use a moisturizer or cream every day and night. There are so many brands to choose from that it’s impossible to try them all. So how can we find the one that best suits our budget and our skin?

Fortunately, the choice is not as difficult as it seems. The first thing we can do is eliminate all products that contain chemical ingredients. Why should we do this? There are two good reasons.

Chemical and artificial ingredients are not really as skin-friendly as the big cosmetic companies would like you to think. Let’s take mineral oil as an example. Cosmetic giants love mineral oil because it’s cheap and keeps well. The problem is that it does not absorb well into the skin and therefore does not have as good a moisturizing action as a natural vegetable or walnut oil. The second reason is that certain chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and lodge in the fatty tissues of the body, causing possible health problems.

We have narrowed down the choice considerably and now all that is left is to find a good quality skin care line that we can comfortably afford. This can be done online quite easily and you may be lucky to find a company that offers samples of their products. Finding the best moisturizer for dry skin has become quite easy!

Now that you have found your ideal cosmetic, you need to find the right way to apply it. Always apply moisturizer to slightly damp skin. This will ensure maximum efficiency, especially if you live in a dry climate.

Use enough product to completely cover the face and neck. Moisturizers also act as a barrier against dirt, wind, and cold, as well as preventing moisture loss. If your skin is especially dry, you can add a little more product during the day.

Moisturizers come in different types, creams, lotions, rich, and oil-free. Generally speaking, the best moisturizer for dry skin would be one that contains enough oil to soften the skin, but also absorbs well into the top layers of the skin. Remember to keep natural cosmetics in the fridge when the weather is warm, as otherwise the natural oils may go rancid. Natural cosmetics also do not contain artificial preservatives, so please use them within the specified time.

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