NTense is a food supplement that combines different powerful medicinal plants. The product became popular around the world, leading to the creation of a newer and improved version called N Tense-2. N Tense-2 is said to be an alternative cure for different types of cancer, including leukemia.

Components of NTense-2 that have been shown to cure leukemia include Bitter Melon, Espinheira Santa, Mullaca, Vassourinha, and Cat’s Claws.

Bitter melon is a fruitful vine. As the name suggests, bitter melon fruits are extremely bitter and have a warty appearance. The natives used the plant to cure measles and diabetes. In addition, it can be used to treat leprosy, eczema, sores and larger wounds. The intake of bitter melon also helps to eliminate parasites within the body. Studies have shown that all parts of the plant possess hypoglycemic properties that work to lower blood sugar, beneficial for diabetics. Bitter melon fruit extracts also help stabilize insulin secretion and, combined with the seeds, the fruit can eliminate excess fats in the body. Bitter melon has been clinically considered a cure for diabetes mellitus only until further studies have revealed its potential to cure leukemia, melanoma, and liver cancer.

Espinheira Santa is a small tree that can measure up to five meters. It has green leaves and berries. The fruits of Espinheira Santa are oblong in shape and contain one or two black seeds. The plant is often used to relieve arthritis pain, and the extract from its leaves is taken to heal stomach disorders such as ulcers and gastritis. Apart from leukemia, it can also inhibit adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, and melanoma tumor growth.

On the other hand, Mullaca is a shrub commonly used to treat hepatitis B and bacterial infections. It also helps to strengthen the immune system. The extraction of the whole plant can be used to cure leukemia. The components of the plant destroy cancer cells directly and at the same time improve the function of the immune system; thus, keeping the body active and healthy.

One of the most effective anticancer plant ingredients in NTense-2 is Vassourinha. Vassourinha is a herb that grows only up to half a meter in height. It is commonly found in tropical countries and produces small white flowers. Sadly, many people consider it a weed.

Chemical tests conducted at vassourinha revealed that the plant contains many phytochemicals, some of which are only found in the plant. Vassourinha’s phytochemicals include escopadulcic acid and betulini acid exhibit intricate properties.

Scopaducic acid can kill different types of cancerous tumors, while betulinic acid has shown anticancer and antiviral potential. The cytotoxic property of betulinic acid has been observed in melanomas and leukemia. Its curative effect on HIV is also currently being studied.

Cat’s claw herb is a common ingredient in traditional medicine. It is often used to treat inflammation and is said to be effective in correcting bone irregularities such as osteoporosis. In the field of women’s health, cat’s claws have been studied as a possible treatment for breast cancer. Research also showed that cat’s claw inhibited the mutation of some leukemic cells and killed the other damaged cells at the start of the application.

NTense-2 as a treatment for leukemia and other cancers is still under study. However, looking at these plants and their healing properties, there is no question about the high demand for NTense and the growing market for NTense-2.

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