With the time of growth and the entrance of a fully advanced era, the role of mothers has changed from a simple housewife to a working mother. Over time, this has also changed the role of parents.

Being a father in itself is a blissful experience. All children love their parents. Parents play a vital role in the growth and development of their children. The impact of the father’s behavior influences both the social and academic growth of the child. The extent to which parents are involved with their children creates a healthy relationship and builds a healthy environment in the home.

Children need parents not only because of financial requirements, but also because of a combination of financial, psychological, social, and emotional factors. They are heavily involved in being a protector for their girl and a role model for their children.

Whether girl or boy, children are influenced by everything their parents say, do and act. Parents have a different influence on both their daughters and their sons.

Parental influence on their daughters

o Girls who go to school show excellent academic results when their parents are involved in their teaching.
o Parents help their daughters gain trust in elves.
o Daughters who are involved with their fathers have a greater sense of humor, a greater eagerness to learn, a more aggressive pursuit of their father’s dreams, and a greater attention span.
o Parents help their daughters improve their ability to have a good social network.

Parental influence on their children

o Parents help their child become stronger and more physically active.
o Parents give their children good alternative strategies to solve their own problems.
o Parents become role models for their children and often try to be dedicated, hard-working, and respectful like their parents.

keys to parenting

Here are some general keys to good parenting:

To play: Parents should carve out some time to play with their children. Play can include wrestling, pillow fighting, turning into a horse, or playing hide-and-seek. Children love to play.

Listens: Parents must learn to listen to their children. After studying and playing, they want someone to share their feelings and emotions. Parents are the best person for them who can listen to their feelings without interruption.

stay relaxed: Parents should remain relaxed after work, especially when they are with their children. Provide your children with the necessary entertainment systems so that they can have a good relaxing time with you.

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