Using a standard ion exchange softener to address your hard water problems is a lot like substituting one hazard to get rid of another. Sure, it reduces mineral deposit buildup on your fixtures and faucets, but it uses vast amounts of energy and leaves you with copious amounts of water contaminated by exorbitant levels of sodium. A better solution for your health and the health of the environment is a salt-free water softener.

Having hard water in your home or office can seriously affect your plumbing and appliances. But before you rush out and buy a traditional water softener, take a few minutes to consider the many benefits of today’s salt-free softeners. Whether you or your family members have a history of high blood pressure, or you’re future-minded with an interest in green technology, you’ll be glad you did.

For starters, salt-free softeners aren’t really water softeners. They are actually water conditioners that transform unwanted mineral ions in the water into tiny particles too small to damage plumbing or appliances. Unlike conventional devices that replace calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions and create a lot of water waste in the process, salt-free water softeners do the dirty work of descaling hard water mineral deposits with less energy and virtually no negative impact on the environment. .

Ideal for use in areas where regenerative softeners have been banned for sale to preserve local groundwater, salt-free softeners are a wonderful alternative for your home or office. So how do they work? Also known as magnetic water softeners, these low-maintenance softening devices work by altering the physical properties of the minerals calcium and magnesium in tap water. By creating ionic charges that literally hold minerals in place, they disrupt the natural bonding process and prevent deposit buildup on your pipes, appliances, fixtures and more.

In fact, with all the benefits gained from modern softeners, it’s hard to understand why anyone would choose traditional salt-based water softening. Chemical-free solutions to everyday cleaning problems are attracting more and more consumers these days, and no single salt softener goes a long way toward meeting that need. Opting for a salt-free softener requires no electricity or special drainage, eliminates the release of high concentrations of sodium into the environment, and leaves you with treated water that is much safer for human consumption, as well as plants and animals.

So don’t try to solve the problem of mineral buildup in your home or office by adding more chemicals. Avoid sodium for your health and the health of the environment with today’s highly beneficial salt-free water softeners. Contact your local water treatment professional to find out how a salt-free water softener may work for you.

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