Certainly, dandruff is not one of life’s most serious problems. Not on the scale of budget deficits or global warming.

But it sure is annoying.

Fortunately, discomfort is often easier to treat than serious problems. There is no need to scratch your head. Here are 10 tips from a dermatologist on how to get to the root of dandruff:

1. Don’t ignore it. Whatever you do, don’t ignore a bad case of dandruff or fall into a cycle of scratching and itching. Dandruff won’t go away on its own, and ignoring it invites a buildup of flakes. That can cause itchiness, which can lead to scratching. Vigorous scratching can injure the scalp and leave it open to infection.

2. Shampoo often. Wash your hair often, even every day. In general, the more you shampoo, the easier it will be to control dandruff.

3. Start small. Often a mild, non-medicated shampoo is enough to control the problem. Dandruff is often caused by an overly oily scalp. Using a mild brand shampoo daily can control oil without aggravating the scalp.

4. If you need to fight, then change. If regular shampoos don’t work, switch to an anti-dandruff formula. Dandruff shampoos are classified by their active ingredients, which work in different ways. Those with selenium sulfide or zinc pyrithione work faster, slowing the rate at which scalp cells multiply. The ones with salicylic acid and sulfur loosen the scales so they can be easily washed off. Those with antibacterial agents kill bacteria on the scalp and reduce the chance of infection. Those with tar slow cell growth.

5. Be a soapy jerk. No matter what type of dandruff shampoo you choose, lather twice. Form the first lather as soon as you step into the shower. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips to help loosen flakes and scales, but don’t rub so hard that you scratch your scalp. Leave the shampoo in until you finish showering. Then rinse your hair very well and follow with a second quick lather and rinse. The second rinse will leave just a little bit of the medicine on the scalp so it can work until the next shampoo.

6. Cover it up. New York dermatologist Diana Bihova has another approach to improving the effectiveness of medicated shampoos. After lathering up, put one of those hotel shower caps on your wet hair. Leave on for an hour, then rinse.

7. Put on conditioner. Anti-dandruff shampoos are effective, but they can be harsh on your hair. If your hair becomes unmanageable, alternate an anti-dandruff shampoo with your regular brand. Apply conditioner after each shampoo to counteract its effects.

8. Oil strike. Although excess oil on the scalp (from the sebaceous glands) can cause problems, an occasional treatment with warm oil helps loosen and smooth dandruff flakes. Heat a little oil until lukewarm. Wet your hair and then apply the oil directly to your scalp. Section your hair as you go to only treat the scalp. Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes and then wash it off with an anti-dandruff shampoo.

9. Expose yourself. Some sun exposure is good for dandruff, dermatologists say. But by all means, use the sense of the sun. Don’t sunbathe; just spend time outdoors. Limit sun exposure to 30 minutes or less per day. And use a sunscreen on exposed skin.

10. Don’t let stress go to your head. Emotions can play a role in triggering or worsening skin conditions like dandruff. These conditions are often made worse by stress. So if your emotions are overloaded, find ways to counter stress. Exercise. To meditate. Read a book for a flake and laugh out loud.

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