One of the best things you can do for your health is to drink a green smoothie in the morning. The amount of energy you feel in the morning from drinking a green smoothie is great. You don’t have to worry about feeling sluggish like when you eat eggs, toast, bagels or anything heavy like that.

I’m a huge fan of Batman, and in Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne is seen drinking a green smoothie when he gets out of bed. After swallowing it, he drops down and does a quick series of push-ups. After seeing that, is it any wonder Batman can take out the bad guys?

Let me start by saying that a green smoothie doesn’t taste bad. It can if you don’t put enough fruit in it, because leafy greens have a distinctive flavor that, admittedly, doesn’t sit well on your palate in liquid form. Although, I think Batman would swallow it no matter what. He is that tough.

Also, making a green smoothie in a Vita blend is the best way to go. The Vita mix is ​​a high powered blender that will blend anything you put in it. Other blenders will leave chunks of this or that, but the Vita blending blade has a high powered motor that prevents this. If all you have is a regular blender, that’s fine, but know that you could be eating your smoothie instead of drinking it.

How to make Batman’s green smoothie

I can’t tell you if Alfred did it that way for Bruce Wayne. The final product looks similar, so let’s pretend it’s the same. I do everything in a particular order so that the ingredients on the bottom have the best chance of mixing without leaving little bits. The stuff on top mixes up easily, so don’t worry about chunks there. You can always change the order, as well as add or subtract ingredients. Up to you. This is just what I have found tastes best.

1.A large handful of ice cubes

2.A large handful of spinach

3.1 large kale leaves, or 2-3 smaller leaves depending on size

4.2 bananas

5.1 orange

6.2 cups of grapes

This is difficult if you don’t have a Vita mix, just because you can mash all the ingredients together so it all mixes properly. I use grapes and an orange because, honestly, it was my wife’s idea, but also because they blend easily and add sweetness.

Drink and enjoy. Batman would be proud.

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