Many of my clients have asked me that question. They see the Bowflex infomercial and those hot Bowflex bodies on the models and wonder if they can look like that.

See, the real answer is that no home gym, no matter how well built or sophisticated it may be, is going to give you the results you want. Unless you are willing to exercise and work hard to get in shape. On the other hand, you don’t have to spend hours training. There are certain training protocols that will allow you to train for 5-7 minutes 3-4 times a week and get a full body workout. But, I’ll go into more of that later in this article.

Let’s be practical, okay: The Bowflex really isn’t much different than any other exerciser or home fitness equipment. If you train with it consistently, you’ll burn more body fat and pack on more muscle size, a muscle building machine. It doesn’t matter how much the infomercial or marketing people behind Bowflex want you to believe that. If you don’t exercise, you won’t get any results – end of story.

Now I know there are still some of you wondering if the Bowflex really works, and the question has more to do with the fact that it doesn’t use free weights to provide resistance. Bowflex uses what they call “Power Rods”. While this piece of home fitness equipment seems strange, it can be versatile gym equipment. Essentially it’s a hybrid between a cable machine and resistance bands. It does not use gravity or body weight for resistance, unlike traditional home fitness equipment, and this makes it unique.

The standard Bowflex muscle machine comes with resistance levels ranging from 5 pounds to 410 pounds.

Here are some questions my clients recently asked me about the Bowflex:

1. Does the Bowflex really work to burn body fat and get a body like the guys and girls in the infomercials?

Burning body fat is more dependent on your diet, but a good strength training program will help you pack on more muscle, which in turn will burn more body fat.

2. Does the Bowflex really work in 20 minutes a day working only three days a week as advertised?

While it is possible to use isometric exercise to get a great workout in a short amount of time. To burn body fat you will need to complement your strength training with a good diet and cardiovascular training. Cardio could be something as simple as biking, walking, or even jumping rope.

The Bowflex home gym is great exercise equipment, but it is too expensive and there are other cheap home gyms or low cost exercise equipment that can give you the same or better results available on the market today.

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