Distance learning is a priority for most of those who have already established their lives in one way or another as their responsibilities have been established and in quite a few cases they do not allow for regular college hours. This is taken into account when looking for a place to study, and this should not mean further down for education. It should mean convenience for those interested in education and expanding their portfolios.

Student commitment

Distance learning requires a certain amount of commitment as the student must schedule time to study. This is also reflected in their work, as they are not going to allow themselves the time unless they are genuinely interested in the subject. These students’ work shows a clear interest in their progression, and therefore their time is not wasted on courses that they are only taking for UKAS points.


A high standard is reached as there is very little interruption in the student’s life and thus he finds that he is able to fully concentrate on the subject. These courses are not as expensive as those that have to hire a classroom, and with the “email” style of assessment, the cost of completing course assignments is inconsequential. There is no need to wait weeks for evaluations to be returned, and this makes it easy for the student to continue with their work at their own pace. These courses are adapted to lifestyles as it is generally humanly impossible to assess when a situation will arise that will draw a student away from their studies, but with the distance learning option, these students do not have the worry of catching up or even have to lose. in your entire course and fee because there has been a technical problem in your schedule. The course can be set aside and resumed when the situation is eradicated. For those traveling for work, their course can be taken with them, giving them time to continue their studies.

Different options for different lifestyles.

This form of education is occupying a prominent place for those interested in continuing study after establishing a career or starting a family. There are many reasons for not being able to put your life on hold to study a preferred subject, and this option is sometimes the only way people can get the training they need. This should not mean that these people have to endure lower courses or exorbitant fees. For those who cannot leave their homes, or who cannot physically enroll in the courses taught in the classroom, this form of education plays a primary importance in their lives. Oxford College ODL and Oxford Distance Learning have devised a scheme for visually impaired people by designing their courses specifically for the needs of these people, and are in the process of establishing a program that is adapted to the lives of those who have difficulty seeing Find a course that caters to your special needs.


Distance education courses are not easy. Because the student is not required to attend classes, it is imperative that the tutor get a good assessment of their absorption of the materials, and this is only obtained through assignments that are usually more in-depth than the usual grading process that is granted. through courses taught in the classroom. This takes its form by allowing the student to not only learn about a certain topic, but also to show their understanding of each individual step in the form of an essay that lends itself to their overall grade. This is particularly important for the student, as the material is not the only information to be taught in a given subject. The student must be able to question the material and use their own reasoning when analyzing what they are being asked to absorb, which keeps them interested in the course work and sees that they feel more involved in the process of their learning .

In the words of Mike Tomlinson, former chief inspector of schools,

“Too much time is spent preparing for exams that could be used to learn.”

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