If you’ve ever wanted to get ripped abs and do thousands of crunches, but have never been able to see them until now, could you be frustrated that you can’t get those abs to show up?

Perhaps you’ve tried dieting to try to lose a couple of pounds to lose some belly fat and you still can’t see your abs behind the fat?

So what is really the best way to get six pack abs? Diet or exercise? Most people think that just eating right will get you a six pack, and for the most part, this is true… however, it will be a small six pack that won’t look as “muscular”. which is usually the look you are looking for. Most people want a lean, muscular body and it can only be achieved with proper nutrition AND exercise.

On the other hand, if you only exercise and eat badly, you will not see results either… You will feel tired and you will never have enough energy to train at your maximum. You’ll have slower success… Sure, if you run 8 miles a day, a quick meal won’t really matter, but it won’t help you get that six pack either…

The answer to getting a really nice, ripped, muscular six pack that you’re probably looking for is to perform the right type of exercise. The right type of exercise is shorter, more intense resistance training sessions that target some of the larger parts of the body, like the legs, arms, and chest.

When you target bigger muscles, your body needs more energy to keep them going, therefore you burn more fat at rest. Therefore, you will get a greater burning of body fat 24 hours a day. Throw in some interval training and a couple miles of jogging per week and you’ll burn enough fat to be lean and ripped in 12 to 16 weeks—but only if you eat right.

Like I said, you’ll also need to eat properly to see any results… Once you start eating healthy and eating a lot more vegetables and fruits, as well as oats, other fibers, and proteins, you’ll find that you’re building muscle and losing weight like never before. If you knew you could lose 25 to 50 pounds in 12 to 16 weeks, and you knew it worked, how hard would you work to achieve it?

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