Reading among today’s children is a rare thing, unlike before, students had enough time to be busy with a storybook, magazine or paperback, and the like.

Today our youngsters are busy with their device, for example, playing ML or whatever app they have on their cell phone.

This, of course, reflects the kind of readers we have at school and at home. Slow readers, poor comprehension are just negative effects of not having the habit of reading among children developed at a younger age. Add to that the difficulty they find in spelling the word correctly, the inability to form a complete sentence, etc.

With this myriad of problems or challenges facing our children, there is always a proven strategy that is of course doable.

Developing the good habit of reading among our children is really opportune and vital for the success of their learning.

Parents should do something to encourage the habit of reading in their children.

Here are some tips so that children can have the opportunity to learn some reading skills.

1. Make sure there is a reading corner at home. Assorted books, magazines, newspapers, etc. they should be on the shelves and let the children read them. Encyclopedia, large dictionary, if you have, should be used by children; not just show materials. Books are meant to be read, and not to be bragging in your house.

2. Show them that you like to read. Yes, actions speak louder than words. If children see you reading, they will be encouraged to read.

3. Have a reading time together. Reading together as a family is a sight to behold. Instead of watching TV, why not have reading time once or twice a week? Yes, let this be wisdom for parents to make time to read with their children.

4. Buy books for them and bring them to the bookstore. Yes, a trip to a bookstore once a month is a good reading boost for your children. Not only will they be more fascinated by books, but they will also be curious to see different kinds of books.

5. When reading newspapers, make sure they also know about the latest news, trends, etc. A small conversation with them about what’s new in science, politics, etc. It could really boost your reading habit to maximum learning. Yes, having these kinds of bonding moments will definitely be a fun and meaningful learning experience for them.

6. Read to them. Having these kinds of bonding moments could really establish a positive relationship with your children. Yes, this becomes moments to remember when they are old and you are no longer with them.

7. Invite guest readers to your home. Yeah family friendly or what, it could be a fun and meaningful experience for kids. The development of social and personal skills can be achieved through this simple yet impactful learning experience for young learners.

8. If children have difficulty reading, there are many learning resources available: YouTube, websites and school portals for learning are at their fingertips. What is needed is time and creativity to have these learning centers, portals or whatever are instruments for an effective learning search.

So there you have it. With these, your kids’ reading journey would definitely be fun and meaningful, and they’ll be writers and speakers one day, with substance.

Let our young students become more curious about books, stories and everything around them. Curiosity is the beginning of learning. Make curiosity your ally to encourage them to learn for themselves through reading. Yes, it’s more fun and meaningful when done right, at home.

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