Creativity is the process of breaking the rules. Many people often complain that they get bored for no reason. They don’t like their daily job, they can’t enjoy time with their family, they aren’t healthier and many other reasons. This can often cause unhappiness and even depression. These kinds of feelings can easily be overcome with creativity. Creativity does not mean that you have to become an artist, painter or writer. It simply means being creative with your thinking. Let’s see how you can add a little creativity to your life to get out of the doldrums.

change it up a bit

We get bored with things that are done in the same way, at the same time and in the same place. The best way to get rid of boredom or monotony is to do the same things in a different way. If you are very bored with your work, make some small changes to your office setup, such as changing the seating arrangement or moving something to or from the room or your desk. Playing music or filling a vase with flowers in your office will also be enough to feel a change.

Take on a new challenge

Learning new things every day is another creative solution to keep yourself away from boredom. Maybe learn a new language (just a few useful words) or a skill (can you scat?) or even meet a stranger and spend some time with them (like at an older person’s house). Planting new thoughts in your mind will help you reap some creative fruits and eliminate that boredom!

become a child again

If you were never that guy who spends time with kids and family in a childish way, do it right away. This could be another powerful way to boost your creativity and make you happier than ever. Get down and dirty with your kids, play in the dirt, or better yet, paint with watercolours! The only thing you have to worry about is getting fully involved. Getting their full attention is what they expect from you, even though they never asked for it.

Right now, think about what part of your life you find boring. What can you do to change it up a bit? Is there anything else you can learn about it that will make it more interesting? Or maybe it’s something you can get your kids to help you with to make it more entertaining? Often it only takes a small change to make a difference!

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