Sur-Petition means no competition!

Edward de Bono wrote a book that all entrepreneurs should know about called Sur-petition. Sur-request is a fantastic concept. It works like this. Normally when you show up to play a match, you have an opposing team. It is the same in business. You typically have one or more competitors who compete with you on service, price, quality, or all […]

A small group of tenants may be doubling their multi-family utility costs

Find out what you can do about it When utilities are included in an apartment complex’s rent, some tenants are naturally going to consume more than others. High utility users, even if they represent a small group of tenants, can add substantially to costs. Since these cost increases are effectively hidden in rent, residents who use utilities responsibly subsidize those […]

How to identify emerging real estate markets

If you’re interested in a career in real estate investing, it’s important to be able to spot emerging markets before they reach their full potential. This allows you to get in early and support the growth of the market, while ensuring that you are in a position to earn the most money possible on your initial investment. Of course, that […]

5 easy steps to improve your security guard service

When property managers hire security guard companies, they have a picture in their mind of what their hired security force will look like, but all too often what they get is not what they envisioned. What we have found is that most security guard companies are capable of providing the service that property managers want, but all too often fail […]

How much does it cost to rent a computer or laptop?

Pentium 4 desktop computers generally rent for less per unit than laptops and notebooks. Costs vary based on time, location, product specifications and availability. Monthly computer rentals cost less per day than daily rentals. Time frame Many computer rental companies charge a daily, weekly, or monthly fee. Technology travel agents, who book computer rentals around the world, report that Pentium […]

auspicious wedding feng shui

Select wedding colors for good luck As soon as a girlfriend announces that she is engaged, friends ask: “What are your colors?” While many women choose colors based on nostalgia or what will look good on their bridesmaids, color choice really needs to be taken more seriously. When a bride plans her wedding, she pays close attention to the meaning […]

Proper maintenance for ceramic tiles in the home

Ceramic tiles are very attractive. They can add elegance to our homes. A divine ceramic will give an elegant and luxurious touch to the interiors of our house. They not only beautify our homes, they are also durable and their hardness can last for years. Although it is so, these tiles also need regular cleaning and maintenance. If we don’t […]