An alkaline diet is the only natural cure for diverticulitis.

Keeping in mind the right foods can help eliminate the pains and symptoms associated with diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is the often very painful sequel to contracting diverticulosis, which is the formation of swollen pouches within the large intestine. These bags can become infected and cause a series of digestive diseases. A diverticulitis diet is becoming more popular as a natural way […]

What prevents you from feeling joy?

If you want to experience rich, enlightened bliss, then you have two role models to choose from: The first are monks and yogis with decades of practice. These are the kind of people who, even without speaking, radiate an intense and loving presence. When they look at a person, a flower, a sunrise, they see the inner beauty and are […]

Havana Tourism – An Insider’s Guide

If this is your first vacation in Havana, head straight for the beautifully restored Habana Vieja (Old Havana). Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, much of the area has been painstakingly restored to its former glory. It is a colonial marvel, a riot of color and full of atmosphere, its peculiar combination of architectural styles endlessly fascinating. The area is […]

The secret of good sex for men

It’s no secret, like almost every other man in the world, ever since I was old enough, sex has consumed my mind. At that time I was not old enough to understand the difference between good sex, good sex, bad sex, great sex… Sex was sex. And then sex was mainly Internet pornography, which at that time was not as […]

Are you expressing your feelings or filling them in?

In general, women live longer than men. One reason is that they share their feelings more often. Men tend to hide their feelings. This is a good practice to continue if you want an early grave. The concept I want to discuss this week is the idea of ​​self-disclosure. Women have more friends because of it. Women have better relationships […]

How To Get Rid Of Acne (Forever) With Reflexology

What is acne? Acne is basically the result of clogging of the sebaceous (oil) glands in our skin, and it is a health condition that, like the common cold, has yet to find a definitive cure. Sometimes it’s genetic, often it’s not. Acne usually occurs around our teens, but sometimes we can suddenly break out in our 30s or 40s […]