Crush, love and limerence

Graciela waited anxiously in class. She was waiting for Mr. Brown to walk into the classroom with that enigmatic aura that just drove her crazy. Mr. Brown, who happened to be the Geography teacher, could hardly understand the impact that his childish smile had left on the tender mind of his teenage student. He barely noticed his already rosy cheeks […]

Alchemy meaning: turn lead into gold

You’ve probably heard the legend that alchemists, wizards of some sort who were like a combination of a chemist and a wizard, could turn, or tried to turn, lead into gold. But is alchemy really just for getting rich quick? Or is the forerunner and root of modern chemistry something deeper than that? First of all, we can find clues […]

Alternative medicine treatment for C. difficile infection

This article can be for you or someone you love, it is for patients who are looking for help. Clostridium difficile has other names such as CDF, C. diff, antibiotic-associated colitis; colitis – pseudomembranous; necrotizing colitis. Unfortunately, the usual treatment of C. difficile with antibiotics cannot prevent relapses. This opportunistic infection causes diarrhea and is linked to 14,000 American deaths […]

5 useful home remedies for cough

The general cough is totally natural and helps to remove irritants or phlegm from the throat. However, a period of sustained coughing can be a problem and may be related to a variety of conditions, such as a bacterial infection, a viral infection, or an allergy. Most coughs related to a sinus infection, allergy, or cold are easily treated with […]

Candidiasis – How to treat intertrigo

The yeast responsible for the development of a skin infection called intertrigo is none other than Candida ablcans. Candida ablcans likes to grow in areas where moisture is trapped, such as deep folds in the skin. Here, air circulation is limited. An intertrigo usually develops from rubbing of warm, moist skin in the armpit areas, behind the ears, inner thighs, […]

2 At Home Enema Recipes for Candida

Many people suffer from Candida throughout their lives and never have any idea that they do. Some people who know they have Candida want to know if there are any home enema recipes for Candida. They are in luck, as there are. The first homemade enema recipe for Candida is very simple. You will need an enema kit. A little […]

Are rebound relationships destined to fail?

For some reason or another, rebound relationships are frowned upon. People think that once you hook up after a breakup, it’s rude as you should be mourning. A rebound relationship is basically defined as getting into a relationship with someone right after you or that person has broken up. These happen so often because right after a break up, people […]