An introduction to the bubble milk tea phenomenon

Bubble milk tea has become exceptionally popular all over the world. What was once considered a popular drink primarily in East Asia has seen significant growth in Australia, Western Europe, and the United States. While this drink has been around since the 1980s, its rise in popularity around the world is a fairly recent occurrence. Many people are still not […]

Pros and cons of the weight loss product, Alli Capsules

Alli capsules work on the digestive system and help keep some of the consumed fat in the system and prevent it from being absorbed. Therefore, you get better results taking Alli Capsules than just dieting according to clinical research. alli capsules provide a “carrot and stick approach” to assist those who are willing to reform their lifestyle in order to […]

The 5 keys to finally lose fat fast!

Losing fat in my opinion is not that difficult. You need to have 5 Strategies and apply all 5. They are: 1. A compelling reason to switch 2. Proper nutrition 3. Progressive resistance training 4. Moderate aerobic exercise 5. Consistency 5 strategies to lose fat 1. A reason to change: To make a successful body transformation, the first and most […]

Lose weight and keep it off with intuitive, easy and fun eating

How to Have Your Pie and Skinny Jeans Too: Stop Overeating, Overeating and Dieting Forever Get the Naturally Lean Body You Crave from the Inside Out (Overeating Solution) by Josie Spinardi is an amazingly written book accessible with clear practical strategies and strong evidence-based approaches. Concept Your body is programmed to maintain a naturally lean weight. You don’t need to […]

How to control earwigs naturally

They feed at night and seek out dark, cool, and moist places to hang out during the day. Some common hiding places are under organic matter such as mulch, pine straw, leaf litter, and other debris, mulches from loose wood chips, decaying matter, rotting fruit on the ground, wood, boards, or tree branches lying on the ground, under dense growth […]

How Assam Black Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

Known for its strong dark reddish-brown color, Assam black tea is a favorite drink among tea lovers. Weight loss is one of the many health benefits associated with this tea. Its unique flavonoids help to lose extra pounds and this has added to its popularity all over the world. New flavonoids that support weight loss Flavonoids, or polyphenols, are responsible […]

How to do the ‘Hindu’ squats of the Royal Court exercise

Exercises of the Royal Court?? What are those? Well folks, these specific exercises are more or less a yoga-like bodyweight fitness regimen that involves 3 exercises namely Hindu squats, Hindu pushups and bridges (in 5/6 recommended positions). They have been popularized by Matt Furey, a national wrestling collegiate champion (NCAA 2, 1985) and Kung Fu Shuai-Chiao world champion (Beijing, 1997) […]