SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) is a technique used by businesses, startups, and website owners to rank their website at the top of search engines and other popular web portals. The owner of a search engine like Google will surely want customers to find what they are looking for on the Google search results page, within the first three or four results that appear.

Let’s go back in time when the search engine Yahoo used to be the most preferred and most used search engine, until the time came when Google made the takeover of the market. Google had the brains and the resources to optimize its products, to simplify it. Yahoo had ads, emails, and various other platforms and corresponding options, while Google, on the other hand, has allocated the maximum space to the Google Search tab exclusively.

What is SEO?

SEO is short for search engine optimization. If you want your content to appear on YouTube, Facebook, and other major sites, you can try Search Engine Optimization. Most content creators, be it a website or YouTube channel, prioritize meeting goals like an increase in audience population and ranking at the top of that particular website where they appear. This requires them to use certain suitable keywords that make them perfect for audience targeting. However, it is not as simple as that, the procedure is quite complicated. SEO involves some basic tips for your page to rank at the top of the Google Search web page.

Types of SEO?

SEO can be classified into two types: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization means what content your website actually has. What do you get if you really look at it? Google is well equipped with its own trackers that allow them to identify all your social media identifiers and have them appear in search results based on the quality of their content. Google doesn’t think for itself, it acts like a bot. Being a digital marketer, you need to be able to understand your needs very clearly. A very important aspect here is keyword research.

Choose your keywords carefully

Let’s say as a business you are offering a digital marketing course, then you need to choose your keywords accordingly so that your web page or product will appear on the search results web page when a consumer searches for the same. When you create a website or something on social media, you need to make sure that you have enough visibility among your target audience, by using the right keywords.

When you search for something on Google, Google ads will appear first, which are paid and have a certain forced presence because they may not have the content that the content actually has to be at the top. Below the ads are all the websites that are ranked on merit, based on SEO.

Plagiarism is not strictly allowed by Google, who will immediately detect if your content is copied and pasted from any other website. If such a case arises, your authenticity as a site is over (you should say goodbye to your chances of ever being ranked on the first page of search results) and no longer at the top. Keep the content original so that people get added value after reading it.

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