There are other names for yeast infection. Some of these are “Candidiasis”, Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Candida Yeast Overgrowth, and even Candida Tropicalis. Whatever name you know it by, you should know that such infection is the most common of all.

In fact, 80% of adult women have suffered or will suffer from vaginal candidiasis, and a high number of adults and even children suffer from one or another variant of the fungal infection, since it can develop in any humid and warm area of ​​our body . There are several things you should know about this.

The most common name for yeast infection is Candida Albicans. This is a fungus that is generally present in a healthy body. It is part of a delicate balance, when an abnormal event occurs such as a hormonal or chemical imbalance, the yeast gets out of control producing an infection. Your doctor may call you by a different name.

Some of the symptoms of infection are an odor of liquid or discarded bread and cheese, as well as itching. When fugus infection due to Candida Albican fungus occurs in the vagina, it is called Vaginal Candidiasis or Monilial Vaginitis. Other parts of the body that can be affected by this infection are the mouth and oral cavity (gums, tongue and palate), certain areas of the skin and the digestive tract. Each of these is known by different names.

If you suffer from vaginal yeast infection or yeast infection, you should pay attention to whether you are sexually active. Although it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, in some cases – 15%, more or less – male partners can develop a rash in the area of ​​the penis and it can even itch, after having sex with women who suffer from the infection in her vagina. Vaginal yeast infection must be treated immediately, as it can recur, even after treatment.

It is extremely important that you seek professional help if you think you are suffering from a fugus infection. Your doctor (whatever the name of the yeast infection is known to you) will treat you appropriately. Some tips: To separate yourself from yeast infection, dry your vaginal area carefully after bathing and wear loose, comfortable cotton underwear. You must understand that prevention is always better than cure. Knowing how to prevent the occurrence of such an infection is more important than finding a cure when it occurs.

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