Online marketing is more entertaining and full of unknowns these days as the latest technological advantages of viral videos are live ad streaming and mesmerizing visuals, ultimately attracting the attention of a new brand. or existing. However, with so many variations to developing viral videos, the creativity of some marketing strategies can be misunderstood and lead to more confusion than attraction. This is why we address some advantages of viral videos, to help you develop the right online marketing strategy for your brand.

Continuing video content development efforts should remain strong with your goal of making your video go viral. An article once compared the terms of investment-value ratio to viral videos, break them down to be the most economical endeavors a brand can undertake on its own. Even if only one video makes it to the charts in this industry, it has opened new doors and paved a new path for a good branding opportunity.

The key is to keep your brand on track, which will soon be great. We break down the key strategies to show you the benefits of viral videos and the success that follows.

These viral videos can be the beginning of a new brand image for yourself, your book, or your company, or these videos can be the key to rebuilding your brand.

Here are three advantages of viral videos to highlight the importance and value that your brand can take from this strategy. So take the time to consider viral videos and how each of these benefits can help you and your brand.

Advantage 1: serious message shared with humor

Adding humor to a specific product or brand message will likely attract more viewers’ attention than a black and white video that sells strictly vignettes. Think about what catches your attention while browsing the Internet, is it the colors, the words, the images, or is it the non-stop action, the voices or the music? It could be a combination of these things that grabs your attention, but ultimately it is the humor and connections that keep your eyes glued to that screen, and more importantly, that message or product.

Take, for example, this Air New Zealand “Fit to Fly” inflight safety video starring Richard Simmons. Instead of listening to a monotonous flight attendant broadcasting in-flight instructions over the aircraft’s PA system, this Fit to Fly video is literally an exercise video on how to fly safely. Adding humor to attract the attention of passengers and hear the serious message of flying safely is a brilliant video that has now gone viral.

A great video may still have the necessary information for your product or brand, but consider adding the appropriate humor to attract and hold viewers’ attention to your message.

Advantage 2: economical

The cost of viral videos is very low, most of them are uploaded at no cost. While streaming videos online for free or at low cost, you can also consider uploaded viral videos as a TV commercial. However, consider the volume of investment that goes into prime-time shows, networks, and specific events that are broadcast on television, and the costs that increase during these times.

If you are on a budget, start your viral video campaign online. Stream from social media sites or upload to other video sites like Metacafe. This particular video site connects your brand with specific audiences by putting your video on their viral engine. With your well-known selection of videos and categories, your video views will likely reach a wider audience, and more specifically, your target audience.

Advantage 3: entertaining

Entertaining your audience is key to attracting their attention enough to absorb your image or message, keeping your brand on their minds. So whether your entertainment includes setting goals for your target market, creating contests or challenges, your audience is looking to be impressed with the enjoyment.

Just look at the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which raised over $ 100 million for this viral video challenge. Receiving more than 2.4 million unique videos uploaded to social media sites for this related Ice Bucket Challenge, who knew that the attraction of this video would have this outstanding success. It all started with that click and 2.4 million shares later, this viral video is a hit!

It is highly unlikely that they will accurately predict how viral your video will go; however, the benefits of viral videos are most likely. So use this information to your advantage and remember, it may only take one charge to build a successful brand.

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