Inbound marketing is about making a customer for life, not just making a sale. It’s all about connecting your passion in business with your perfect clients and clients and giving them an enjoyable experience with your company. People like to shop, but hate being sold to. Attraction marketing is based on alignment with Universal law and the principles of positive energy, not on struggle, lack and resistance. When you use the principles of attraction marketing, you are leading, not selling. You must give value and be of service every step of the way without giving away the store. These 7 tips will prepare you to put inbound marketing into practice.

1. Start with the end in mind: what are the success intents of your big vision for your business? This is where you would see what you REALLY want to create with your business in the next 5 years, it’s more than the bottom line, it’s an inspiration to you.

2. Be very clear about what you really want your business to do for you. Look at the amount of income you want, how your life will feel with a successful business. What benefits will a driving business bring to your life?

3. How do you want to be useful and what contribution would you like to make in the lives of your customers and customers? It doesn’t matter if you have a service business or a product business, a clear intent to be of service positions you for success with satisfied customers and their referrals.

4. What are you most passionate about doing in your business? Where you have passion you have confidence, enthusiasm and success. You are magnetically attractive to your clients when you are passionate about your work.

5. What are the solutions that you really enjoy providing to your customers? When you are clear about the solutions you enjoy providing, you are providing your customers with greater benefit. His passion for delivering these solutions gives his clients an edge in solving their challenges and using his solutions to lasting effect.

6. What is a clear definition of your different customer niches? Having specific and clearly challenged niches does not limit your audience, in fact, it broadens and deepens your customer pool and makes it much easier to market to them. Clearly defining your niches is as much about who would be a perfect customer in your mind as it is about their characteristics, demographics, psychographics…

7. Take stock of where you are: has success been a struggle for you? Does it seem to have the same resistance and obstacles in the way? Does it seem like you have a self-imposed glass ceiling for your financial flow? Are there any beliefs you have about your own success that are getting in the way? You will need to become aware of these and dissolve them before you can become a pull magnet for success on your terms.

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