Gyms definitely have their place. Let’s face it, without health and fitness clubs, many people would never exercise. There are certain people, and you may be one of this group, who simply need a gym-like environment filled with people, machines, and weights to motivate them to exercise. The environment of a gym helps a lot in getting some people in shape. Whether it’s the sight of people in better conditions than us, or perhaps the opposite, those who are worse off and make us feel better about ourselves; Whatever the reason, health clubs do a lot to help thousands and perhaps millions of people exercise and achieve a better level of fitness.

Treadmills, stair climbers, spinning classes, aerobics classes, Tae Bo, kick boxing, yoga, pilates, the list goes on. All of these aerobic exercises and classes appeal to different people and, if practiced with intensity and commitment, will yield results. For the most part, all of these aforementioned activities take place inside a building, usually a health or fitness club. However, I would like to mention one activity that I think may be healthier and more physically stimulating than any of these other activities: hiking.

One of the best aerobic activities that anyone can participate in is hiking. The best part is that there is no charge to pay for doing this as it takes place in nature’s own health club – outdoors! Yes, going to the gym and pushing the pedals, stepping on the treadmill or pushing yourself up the stairs will definitely burn unwanted body fat and do your body good. But in my opinion, a gym simply cannot compete with nature. In my head, here are seven benefits of walking on indoor aerobic activity:

1. Breathing crisp, fresh air is healthier than ingesting gym air laden with sweat and body odor. It tastes better too!

2. Hiking stimulates and sharpens all the physical senses.

3. Increases brain function.

4. Gyms are overcrowded. You really can’t be alone with your thoughts in a crowded gym.

5. It costs less. Once you’ve bought a good pair of boots or walking shoes, there are no more fees.

6. You don’t need to wait for a path to walk like you do with machines or weights at a gym.

7.Outdoor is more diverse. Gyms are all more or less the same.

In 2004, the results of a fascinating study on how hiking influences blood fats and sugars were published. Austrian researchers announced their findings after an in-depth comparison of two groups of people chosen to study the effects of hiking. This took place in the Alps at a mountain ski resort. One group walked uphill for two months, while the second group was transported by cable car to a higher elevation and then walked downhill. The groups changed their respective programs after this two-month period, repeating the experiment.

The findings revealed that walking uphill and downhill provides excellent health benefits. Both directions of walking lowered levels of LDL cholesterol, known as “bad” cholesterol. Triglyceride levels were lowered by walking uphill alone, while walking downhill was nearly twice as effective at clearing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance.

That’s some pretty amazing information. I always knew hiking was great for the body, but this particular study breaks it down and shares information I didn’t know. Researchers from the Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Research and Treatment conducted this intensive study. Until now, the benefits of hiking could only be theorized and no real scientific information was available. Hiking is really great for raising our fitness levels and keeping us healthy!

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