End hard water problems in your home or office with a healthy, chemical-free, salt-free water softener

Using a standard ion exchange softener to address your hard water problems is a lot like substituting one hazard to get rid of another. Sure, it reduces mineral deposit buildup on your fixtures and faucets, but it uses vast amounts of energy and leaves you with copious amounts of water contaminated by exorbitant levels of sodium. A better solution for […]

Working with your small business abroad

In the United States, no matter how well or poorly our business is doing, we feel like we know the environment and we know the challenges. But what about trying to do business in another country, a country with a foreign language and different customs? And if that country were, say, Spain…   Having been there, I have a deep […]

Call Center Outsourcing for Growing Businesses: The Way Forward

Call center outsourcing refers to the services contracted from external providers. It may be due to an excessive workload, to reduce costs or simply to hire the best resources for the business. Call centers are becoming very popular due to their profitability and wide range of services. From simple inbound customer support services to complicated finance and administration outsourcing, IT […]

Why Stock Markets Keep Going Up While The Economy Is So Bad

Confusion is one of the worst mental and emotional tortures. This article is to resolve the confusion of the conflict of how the economy can be so bad and the stock markets at all-time highs. I have been trading the stock markets for over 13 years. Using the insights gained from an objective view of life, I have found the […]

Kitchen Countertops Comparison: Traditional Products vs. Stone Cladding

There is a new option available for countertop buyers. It is a manufactured stone product made to be installed over existing tile or laminate countertops. The question is; How does it compare in value and performance to traditional countertop offerings? What exactly? Overlay “granite” product is a man-made mixture of granite, quartz, and other stone particles mixed with resins to […]

Visiting the Grand Cayman Botanical Gardens

Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park (you’ll see it called the Botanic Park and Botanic Garden in different places, so I use the terms interchangeably as well) is a quiet oasis in the center of the island, about a 30-minute drive east of George Town. just off of Frank Sound Road. The National Trust for the Cayman Islands manage the gardens […]