home decor rugs

Home décor rugs (also called area rugs) not only add to the look of a room, they also create a mood that adds color, shape, and texture. They come in different sizes and shapes, with the most common shape being a rectangle. They are an important part of any living space. They serve a wide variety of home decorating purposes. […]

My Google wish list

There are a number of “wishes” I have for the future of Google. While I would like to rank number one for all my important keywords and phrases, I would be willing to settle for Google recognizing at least some of my wishes that will benefit the search community as a whole. Google started out as a darling, a startup […]

The difficulties of losing weight

Weight loss difficulties take their toll on everyone at one time or another. I don’t care what anyone else says, but it does. I know for myself that I have suffered over and over again to lose weight. Every time I feel like it’s another battle. Here are some tips I’ve learned to help lose weight and keep it off […]

Glamor drugs?

Before you google or search for “Glamorous Drugs”, the following is my definition for use here. Glamor Drug: Beautiful drug ads we see online, on TV, and in print. Wow, I wouldn’t mind getting a few of them; most are very attractive, making for good ad copy. I guess the drug companies need to enlist all of us lay doctors […]

Feng Shui – Using the Five Elements and Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for Positive Energy

Feng Shui Tips to Attract Positive Energy with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of interior arrangement, is an effective way to direct energy and, used in combination with quartz crystal singing bowls, will help you attract positive energy and good fortune into your life. The five feng shui elements are a key factor in properly […]

Feeding your pet iguana

Iguana Pet Care | Is your lizard getting the right diet? Iguanas are herbivorous animals, but they will eat almost anything you offer them; be it pizza, meat, sweets… foods that are bad for the iguana… Their diet should include a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, such as basil, beetroot spinach, fig leaves (selected), beets, sweet potatoes, carrots , […]

the magic house

Every time my husband and I visit our daughter and her family, we walk to the shopping area less than a mile away. On the way we pass three semi-detached houses that have a street on both sides. The houses at both ends are in beautiful shape; fresh paint jobs, solid roofs, well-manicured yards, and attractive entryways. The house in […]

Samsung UN55C8000 review

Get ready as you’re amazed by the godfather of all LCD TVs. Samsung brings the latest in LCD technology to market with the new Samsung UN55C8000. You know, from the imposing 55-inch widescreen that this will be one of the best additions you can have to your home right now. Without the stand, it measures 30.4 inches, 50.4 inches wide, […]

Small games and youth soccer: drills versus letting the kids play

Why would a sex and football specific strength and fitness coach come off the reservation, so to speak, and post a video about gaming and training in close quarters? The answer is really very simple! I was recently speaking with a group of soccer coaches about soccer-specific strength and physical training. The seminar went well and I thought all questions […]